Code Golf: draw ascii art stars
Asked Answered



Since this week noone has posted a code-golf challenge, I'll give it a try. I do it so you can do something other than playing with swords during those long compile cycles.

The challenge:

Draw ASCII art stars, given three numbers on standard input (number of spikes, type of star (star is drawn by joining vertices that are n vertices apart), and diameter of star). Examples:

Input:                        Input:                       Input:

5 2 20                        7 2 20                       7 3 20

Output:                       Output:                      Output:

             x                        x                        x
            xx                        xx                       x
            xx                       x  xx   xx                xx      x
           x x                       x   xxxx x                xx     xx
  xx      x  x                      xxxxx  x  x                x x  xxx
   xxxx   x  x                   xxxx       x x                x x x  x
   x   xxx   x                 xx  x         xx         xxx    x  x  x
    x   x xxxx                 x   x          xx         x xxxxx xx  x
     x  x    xxx                x x           x x         xx   xxxxxx
     x x     x  xxx             x x           x  x          x xx   xxxxxx
      x      x     xx            x            x   x          x x   x     xxx
     x x     x  xxx              x            x  x          x xx   xxxxxx
     x x     xxx                x x           x x         xx   xxxxxx
    x   x xxxx                  x x           xx         x xxxxx xx  x
   x   xxx   x                 xx  x         xx         xxx    x  x  x
   xxxx   x  x                   xxxx       x x                x x x  x
  xx      x  x                      xxxxx  x  x                x x  xxx
           x x                      x    xxxx x                xx     xx
            xx                       x  xx   xx                xx      x
            xx                       x x                       x
             x                        x                        x

Since rasterizing correctly the lines can be a PITA for a code-golf challenge, I'll leave some leeway, but not too much. More examples:

Good enough:

    x           x                   x       x
     xx       xx                    x       x
       x     x                       x     x
     x  xx xx  x                      x   x
          x                            x x
         x x                            x
      xxx   xxx                      x     x
      x       x               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     x         x                xx    x   x    xx
   xx  x     x  xx                xx x     x xx
  x               x                 xxx   xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                 xxxxx
        x   x                      x  xx xx  x
                                  x xx     xx x
                                 xxx         xxx
         x x                    xx     x x     xx


Doesn't cut it:

            x                  xx               xx
            xx                   x             x
            xx                    x           x
           x x                     xx       xx
 xx       x  x                       x     x
  xxxx   x   x                     x  xx xx  x
  x   xxxx   x                          x
   x    xxxx x                         x x
    x  x    xxx                     xxx   xxx
     xx      x xxxxxx               x       x
     xx      x xxxxxx              x         x
     xx     xxx                  xx  x     x  xx
    x  x xxx x                  x               x
    x xxx    x                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   xxx  x    x                        x   x
 xx      x   x
          x  x
          x  x                         x x
           x x

 Lack of precission              Lack of clipping

Have fun!

Groningen answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(4)
Are stars like 6 2 20 permitted?Undertint
Yes, that one is David's star.Groningen
Diameter of the stars in the example output seems to be 21 instead of 20?Snaky
@lsc: oops, seems my stars are a little off. Good catch!Groningen

Ruby — 323 276 304 297

a,b, &:to_i
o=(0..c).map{' '*c}
j,x,i,y=i,y,j,x if k=((i-y)/(j-x))**2>1
k ?(o[t][m]='x'):(o[m][t]='x')}}
puts o

             x              xx                   x                      xx          
             x              x x                  x                      x x         
            xx              x  x    xx           xx       x            x   x        
           x x             x    xxxx x           xx      xx      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
 xxx      x  x             xxxxx xx  x           x x    xx       x   x       x  x   
  x xxx   x  x         xxxxx       x x    x      x x   x x       x  x         x x   
  x    xxx   x       xx   x         xx     xxxx  x  xxx x        x x           xx   
   x    x xxxx        x  x           x       x xxxxxx   x        xx             x   
    x  x     xxx      x  x           xxx      x  x xxxxx         x              xx  
     x x     x  xxx    xx            x  x      x xx  x xxxxx    xx              x x 
     xx      x     xx  xx            x   x      xx    x     xxxx x              x  x
     xx      x  xxx    xx            x  x      x xx   x xxxx    xx              x x 
     x x     xxx       xx            xxx      x  x xxxxx         x              xx  
    x  x  xxxx        x  x           x       x xxxxxxx x         xx             x   
   x   xxx   x       xx  x          xx     xxxx  x  xxx x        x x           xx   
  x xxx  x   x         xxxxx       x x    x      x  x  xx        x  x         x x   
 xxx      x  x            x xxxx xx  x           x x    xx       x   x       x  x   
          x  x             x    xxxx x           x x     x       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
           x x             x   x    xx           xx       x            x   x        
            xx              x x                  xx                     x x         
             x              xx                   x                       x          
Eastwardly answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(3)
Aren't those stars diameter 21 too?Waldgrave
@Nakilon: you should take parameters from stdinGroningen
@Chubas, unfortunately Yui Naruse said, that it's not a bug, but 1.9 feature.Eastwardly

C# : 555 428 characters

using System.Drawing;class P{static void Main(string[]a){int p=int.Parse(a[0]),i=int.Parse(a[1]),l=int.Parse(a[2]),n;var o=System.Console.Out;var b=new Bitmap(l*4/3,l*4/3);var g=Graphics.FromImage(b);g.TranslateTransform(l/8,l/3);for(n=0;n<p;n++){g.DrawLine(Pens.Red,0,0,l,0);g.TranslateTransform(l,0);g.RotateTransform(360*i/p);}for(i=0;i<b.Height;i++,o.WriteLine())for(p=0;p<b.Width;p++)o.Write(b.GetPixel(p,i).A>0?"#":" ");}}

Stars 5 2 20

           # #
           # #
           # #
          #   #
          #   #
   ##    #     #    ##
     #   #     #   #
      #  #     #  #
       ##       ##
        ##     ##
        # #   # #
       #   ###   #
       #   # #   #
       # ##   ## #
      # #       # #
      ##         ##
      #           #
Kauppi answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(3)
I suppose that'd solve the rasterizing issue, yeah. I like this.Vardon
Nice! This one has a couple of interesting twists on how to draw ascii art stars, unfortunately, it doesn't work for the likes of 6 2 20, 8 2 20, etc...Groningen
@Groningen Yeah I know, and the geometry is a bit naive too...the diameter of the stars are wrong, it uses the diameter param as length of the lines not the diameter of the star...I will fix.Goofy

My first attempt at code golf...

Python - 550 533 507 484 451 437 chars

Save as Run as python 5 2 20

import sys,math as m
G=[[' ']*-~w for i in R(w+1)]
def L(a,b,c,d):
 if s:a,b,c,d=b,a,d,c
 if a>c:a,b,c,d=c,d,a,b
 while x<X(c):
  if e<0:y+=(-1,1)[y<d];e+=f
s=[(m.sin(k*i)*r+r,m.cos(k*i)*r+r)for i in R(p+t)]
for i in R(p):L(*(s[i]+s[i+t]))
for i in G:print''.join(i)

(Can potentially save 2 more chars by replacing 2nd-level indent with tabs...)

Expanded version available here:

Example output:

             x                x                     x
            xx                xx                    x
            xx               x  xx    x             xx      x
           x x               x    xxxxx             xx     xx
  xx      x  x              x xxxx x  x             x x  xxx
   xxxx  x   x            xxxx      x x             x x x  x
   x   xxx   x         xxx x         xx      xxx    x  x  x
    x   x xxxx         x   x          xx      x xxxxx xx  x
     x x     xxx        x x           x x      xx   xxxxxx
      x      x  xxx     x x           x  x       x xx   xxxxx
      x      x     x     x            x           x x   xx   xxx
     x x     x  xxx      x            x  x       x xx   xxxxx
    x   x    xxx        x x           x x      xx   xxxx  x
    x    xxxxx          x x           xx      x xxxxx xx  x
   x   xxx   x         xxx x         xx      xxx    x xx   x
  x xxx   x  x            xxxx      x x             x x x  x
  xx       x x              x xxxx x  x             xx   xx x
           x x              x     xxxxx             xx     xx
            xx               x  xx                  x
             x               x x                    x
Snaky answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(5)
Nice one, although it needs a trivial fix for 8 2 20.Groningen
Really nice, and I like the result on bigger stars like 30 12 90Papyraceous
Hm, really, 8 2 20 fails on my solution ) I'm thinking... Looks like to make star nice looking for any parameters is too hardly solvable (it can be +100 more chars)Eastwardly
@Nakilon: your 8 2 20 star looks OK to me.Groningen
@ninjalj, with +0.5 it looks almost OK, but the one unuseful x at the top appears.Eastwardly

OCaml, 659 characters (wc -c).

Uses the classical Bresenham algorithm to draw the lines, made recursive for fun. Save as and run with echo 5 2 20 | ocaml

let pl b x y=b.(x).[y]<-'x'
let ln b x0 y0 x1 y1 =
let rec h p x0 y0 x1 y1 =
if x0>x1 then h p x1 y1 x0 y0
let dx,dy,ys=x1-x0,abs(y1-y0),if y0<y1 then 1 else -1 in
let rec k x y e=
if x<=x1 then(
p y x;
if e<dy then k(x+1)(y+ys)(e-dy+dx)
else k(x+1)y(e-dy)
k x0 y0(dx/2)
if abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0)then
h(fun x y->pl b y x)y0 x0 y1 x1
else h(pl b)x0 y0 x1 y1
let f=float
let g n s d=
let b=Array.init d(fun _->String.make d ' ')in
let r=f(d/2)-.0.1 in
let k h i=int_of_float(r+.r*.h(6.2831853*.(f(i mod n)/.(f n))))in
let x,y=k cos,k sin in
for i=0 to n do ln b(x i)(y i)(x(i+s))(y(i+s))done;Array.iter print_endline b
let()=Scanf.scanf"%d %d %d"g


            x                  x                       x
           xx                  xxx                     xx
           xx                 x   x   xxx              xx       x
          x x                 x  xxxxx  x              x x     x
 xx      x  x              xxxxxx   xx  x              x x   xxx
  xxxxx x   x           xxx  x        x x       xxx    x  x x x
  x    xxxx x           x   x          xx        xxxxxxx  xx  x
   x   x   xxx           x  x           xx         x   xxxxx x
    x x     x xxxx       x x            x x         x  xx  xxxxxx
     x      x     xx      xx            x  x         xxx    x    xxx
     x      x  xxx        x             x x          xxx    x xxxx
    x x     xxx           xx            xx          x  xx xxxx
   x   x xxxx            x x           xx          x  xxxxxx x
  x   xxx   x            x  x         x x        xxxxx x  xx  x
  xxxx  x   x           xxx x        x  x       xx     x  x x x
 xx      x  x              xxxxxx   x   x              x x   xxx
          x x                x   xxxxx  x              x x     x
           xx                 x  xx   xxx              xx       x
           xx                 x x                      xx
            x                  x                       x
Ameliorate answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(1)
Interesting. I replaced if y0<y1 then 1 else -1 by compare y1 y0, that's poor style because compare is only guaranteed to return positive (resp negative) values. The current implementation returns 1 and -1 though :)Talca

VBScript, 584 511 482 bytes

I also used the Bresenham algorithm for lines.

g=Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll):t=g(1):d=g(2):ReDim r(d*d)
For i=0 To d*d:r(i)=" ":Next
c=1.57:u=(d-1)/2:b=c*4/g(0):For i=1 To g(0)
Z n:x=g:Z n+c:y=g:Z n-b*t:f=g:Z n-b*t+c:n=n+b
s=Abs(g-y)>Abs(f-x):If s Then W x,y:W f,g
If x>f Then W x,f:W y,g
For x=x To f:r((s+1)*(y*d+x)-s*(x*d+y))="x"
h=h-q:If h<0 Then y=y+v:h=h+p
Next:Next:For i=0 To d:WScript.Echo Mid(Join(r,""),i*d+1,d):Next
Sub W(a,b):e=a:a=b:b=e:End Sub
Sub Z(e):g=Int(u*Cos(e)+u):End Sub


            x               x                    x            
           xx               xx                   x            
           xx              x  xx  xxx            xx      x    
          x x              x  xxxx  x            xx     xx    
  xx     x  x            xxxxx   x  x            x x   xx     
   xxxx  x  x         xxx x       x x      xx    x x xx x     
   x   xxx  x         x  x         xx       xxxxxx  x  x      
    x  x  xxx          x x          xx       x   xxxx  x      
     x x    xxx        x x          x x       xx xx  xxx      
     xx     x  xxx      x           x  x        xx   xx xxxx  
     xx     x     xx    x           x   x       xx   xx    xxx
     x x    x xxxx     x x          x  x      xx xx  xxxxxx   
    x  x   xxx         x x          xxx      x   xxxxxxx      
   x    xxx x         x  x          x       x xxxx  x  x      
   xxxxx x  x         xxx x        xx      xxx   x x xx x     
  xx     x  x            xxxxx   xx x            x x   xx     
          x x              x  xxxx  x            xx     xx    
           xx              x   x  xxx            xx      x    
           xx               xxx                  x            
            x               x                    x            

Expanded code:

Dim PI, args, output, i
PI = 4 * Atn(1)

args = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, " ")
output = Join(Star(args(0), args(1), args(2)), vbNullString)

For i = 1 To Len(output) Step args(2)
    WScript.Echo Mid(output, i, args(2))

Function Star(spikes, star_type, diameter)
    Dim result(), i, vertexes(), angle, radius, p1, p2
    ReDim result(diameter * diameter - 1)
    ReDim vertexes(spikes - 1)

    For i = 0 To UBound(result)
        result(i) = " "

    radius = (diameter - 1) / 2
    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        vertexes(i) = Array(CLng(radius * Cos(angle) + radius), _
            CLng(radius * Sin(angle) + radius))
        angle = angle - (2 * PI / spikes)

    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        p1 = vertexes(i)
        p2 = vertexes((i + star_type) Mod spikes)
        DrawLine p1(0), p2(0), p1(1), p2(1), result, diameter

    Star = result
End Function

Sub DrawLine(ByVal x0, ByVal x1, ByVal y0, ByVal y1, arr, diameter)
    Dim steep, deltax, deltay, error, ystep

    steep = Abs(y1 - y0) > Abs(x1 - x0)
    If steep Then
        Swap x0, y0
        Swap x1, y1
    End If
    If x0 > x1 Then
        Swap x0, x1
        Swap y0, y1
    End If

    deltax = x1 - x0
    deltay = Abs(y1 - y0)
    error = deltax \ 2
    If y0 < y1 Then ystep = 1 Else ystep = -1

    For x0 = x0 To x1
        If steep Then
            arr(x0 * diameter + y0) = "x"
            arr(y0 * diameter + x0) = "x"
        End If
        error = error - deltay
        If error < 0 Then
            y0 = y0 + ystep
            error = error + deltax
        End If
End Sub

Function Swap(a, b)
    Dim temp
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp
End Function
Cupidity answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(0)

Javascript (based on Isc's python solution), 598 591 586 559 bytes (used with rhino shell: save as 'stars.js', run with 'rhino stars.js 7 2 20'):

for(var a=Math,b=parseInt,c=a.floor,d=a.abs,e=arguments,f=b(e[0]),g=b(e[1]),h=b(e[2]),i=[],j=0;j<(h+1)*h;j++)i.push((j+1)%(h+1)?" ":"\n");function k(w,x){i[x*(h+1)+w]="x"}var l=(h-1)/2,m=[];for(j=0;j<f;j++)m.push([c(l*a.cos(a.PI*2/f*j)+h/2),c(l*a.sin(a.PI*2/f*j)+h/2)]);
for(j=0;j<f;j++){var n=m[j][0],o=m[j][1],p=m[(j+g)%f][0],q=m[(j+g)%f][1],r=void 0,s=void 0;if(r=d(q-o)>d(p-n)){s=n;n=o;o=s;s=p;p=q;q=s}if(n>p){s=n;n=p;p=s;s=o;o=q;q=s}for(var t=p-n,u=0,v=d(q-o)/t,y=o<q?1:-1,z=o,A=n;A<=p;A++){r?k(z,A):k(A,z);u+=v;if(u>=0.5){z+=y;u-=1}}}print(i.join(""));


          x x       
  xx     x  x       
   xxxx  x  x       
   x   xxx  x       
    x  x  xxx       
     x x    xxx     
     xx     x  xxx  
     xx     x     xx
     x x    x xxxx  
    x  x   xxx      
   x    xxx x       
   xxxxx x  x       
  xx     x  x       
          x x       

      x  x   xxx    
      x  xxxx  x    
    xxxxx   x  x    
 xxx x       x x    
 x  x         xx    
  x x          x    
  x x          xxx  
   x           x  x 
   x           x   x
  x x          x xx 
  x x          xx   
 x  x          x    
 xxx x       xxx    
    xxxxx   x  x                                                                                                                                              
      x  xxxx  x                                                                                                                                              
      x  xx  xxx                                                                                                                                              

       xx      x    
       xx     xx    
       x x   xx     
 xx    x x xx x     
  xxxxxx  x  x      
   x   xxxx  x      
    xx xx xxxx      
      xx   xx xxxx  
      xx   xx    xxx
    xx xx  xxxxxx   
   x   xxxxxxx      
  x xxxx  x  x      
 xxx   x x xx x     
       x x   xx     
       xx     xx    
       xx      x    

Expanded code:

var p = parseInt(arguments[0]),
    t = parseInt(arguments[1]),
    w = parseInt(arguments[2]);

var g = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (w + 1) * w; i++)
        g.push((i + 1) % (w + 1) ? ' ' : '\n');

function plot(x, y) { g[y * (w + 1) + x] = 'x';}
function line(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
        var steep = Math.abs(y1 - y0) > Math.abs(x1 - x0), temp;
        if(steep) {
                temp = x0; x0 = y0; y0 = temp;
                temp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = temp;
        if(x0 > x1) {
                temp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = temp;
                temp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = temp;
        var deltax = x1 - x0;
        var deltay = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
        var error = 0;
        var deltaerr = deltay / deltax;
        var ystep
        var y = y0;
        if(y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
        for(var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {
                if(steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
                error = error + deltaerr;
                if(error >= 0.5) {
                        y = y + ystep;
                        error = error - 1.0;

var r = (w-1)/2, points = [];
for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
        Math.floor(r * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2),
        Math.floor(r * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2)

for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    line(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[((i + t) % p)][0], points[((i + t) % p)][1]);

Waldgrave answered 20/9, 2010 at 20:44 Comment(0)

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