I've read on how adding
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
to your HTML will allow users to add that page to their home screen and use it as an App. So I'm wondering whether it would make sense to add these meta tags to pretty much all the HTML I generate. After all, the user doesn't have to install them as apps, but if they choose to do so, why should I prevent that?
I'm mostly thinking about unauthenticated content here which is static from a HTML server perspective, although it may well be interctive thanks to client-side JavaScript. To give you an idea, think about single-page tutorials, perhaps with some interactive code demo in it. Something like that.
- Am I making any promises by adding these tags?
- In what situations should I avoid adding them?