I'm playing with Karma test runner (http://karma-runner.github.io/0.8/index.html) using qunit (http://qunitjs.com). I succesfully created and ran simple tests (100% JavaScript), but now I'm trying to use HTML fixtures in order to test code that interacts with DOM nodes. I'm able to load these fixtures by declaring them in "files" in this way:
{pattern: 'fixtures/myfixture.html', watched: true, served: true, included: false}
it get served by karma's server, but I don't understand how can I access to its DOM :(
Let's suppose my fixture is a simple html file containing the following markup:
<div id="container">hello world</div>
How can I write a test that can access to that node (the div)? The "document" is related to the "context.html" file under "static" folder as far I know... so where are the HTML of my fixture??