Given the following apollo server graphql schema I wanted to break these down into separate modules so I don't want the author query under the root Query schema.. and want it separated. So i added another layer called authorQueries before adding it to the Root Query
type Author {
id: Int,
firstName: String,
lastName: String
type authorQueries {
author(firstName: String, lastName: String): Author
type Query {
authorQueries: authorQueries
schema {
query: Query
I tried the following.. you can see that authorQueries was added as another layer before the author function is specified.
Query: {
authorQueries :{
author (root, args) {
return {}
When querying in Graphiql, I also added that extra layer..
authorQueries {
author(firstName: "Stephen") {
I get the following error.
"message": "Resolve function for \"Query.authorQueries\" returned undefined",
...etc or by authorization meaning. I think It's not bad, but less seen. – Kramer