I have the following dot sample. I would like to give the first section in each record (the table name) a different background and foreground colour. I can't find any examples of how to do this for a record. Basically I want the table name in the sql query schema diagram to stand out. Can anyone help?
digraph G {
node [shape=record];
corpus_language [label="corpus_language|<id> id\len\l|<name> name\lEnglist\l|<sentence_count> sentence_count\l1027686\l"];
corpus_sentence [label="corpus_sentence|<id> id\l1241798\l|<text> text\lBaseball is a sport\l|<creator_id> creator_id\l10859\l|<created_on> created_on\l2006-11-14 17:58:09.303128\l|<language_id> language_id\len\l|<activity_id> activity_id\l11\l|<score> score\l124\l"];
corpus_language:id -> corpus_sentence:language_id [arrowhead=normal label=language_id];