Passing dynamic order by in stored procedure
Asked Answered



I am creating below stored procedure.

declare @PageNum as Int
declare @PerPageResult as Int
declare @StartDate as varchar(25)
declare @EndDate as varchar(25)
declare @SortType as Varchar(50)
declare @SortDirection as Varchar(4)
set @PageNum=1
set @PerPageResult=20
set @StartDate='2008-02-08'
set @EndDate='2015-02-08'
set @SortType='RegDate'
set @SortDirection='Desc'
declare @Temp Table(RowNum int, RegDate Date, Registered int, Female int, Male int, [Join] int, Rebill int, TotalPointsEarned int, Expire int)
declare @sort varchar(50)
Insert into @Temp
    Select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by @SortType+' '+@SortDirection) As RowNum, * From (    
    CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) as RegDate,    
    count( Registered,
    count(CASE WHEN m.gender='F' then 'F' end) As Female,
    count(CASE WHEN m.gender='M' then 'M' end) As Male
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='N' then 'N' end) As [Join],
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='R' then 'R' end) As Rebill,
    count(m.tokensearned) As TotalPointsEarned,
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='E' then 'E' end) As Expire
    from member m
    join payment p on
    join user_role u on
    where u.role_id <> 3
    and CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) > @StartDate and CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) < @EndDate
    GROUP BY CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date)
    ) as aa 
    Select * from @Temp Where RowNum>((@PageNum-1)*@PerPageResult) and RowNum<=@PerPageResult * @PageNum
    Order by @SortType+' '+@SortDirection

In above when i pass the Order by clause dynamically, its not sorting the data properly but when i write column name explicitly, it works fine. Might be its taking @SortType+' '+@SortDirection as varchar rather than Date

I tried writing Order by case when (@Sort='RegDate' and @SortDirection='Desc') Then RegDate End Desc, but it didn't work

How can i pass order by dynamically here.

Edit: @Andomar: I tried your provided solution and added one more field for Date type. And it didn't work too.

below is what i did.

create table t1 (id int, name varchar(50), dt date);
insert t1 values 
    (1, 'Chihiro Ogino','2009-02-08'), 
    (2, 'Spirit of the Kohaku River','2008-02-08'), 
    (3, 'Yubaba','2012-02-08');

declare @sortColumn varchar(50) = 'dt'
declare @sortOrder varchar(50) = 'ASC'

select  *
from    t1
order by
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then 0
        when @sortColumn = 'id' then id
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'name' then name
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'dt' then name
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then 0
        when @sortColumn = 'id' then id
        end DESC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'name' then name
        end DESC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'dt' then name
        end DESC
Wheelhouse answered 26/2, 2013 at 9:11 Comment(7)
gender='SH': haven't seen that before...Alysiaalyson
@MitchWheat: Ignore it :PWheelhouse
search for "ORDER BY CASE"Alysiaalyson
instead of case, do we have better solution as i have 11 columns for sort type.Wheelhouse
Or, sort on the client! It's so much easier!Macroscopic
@archangel76: Sorting on client side won't help, suppose you have 10000 records in database and you're showing 10 at a time. Clientside sort would occur in those 10 records only which is even not correct.Wheelhouse
Very true. I found this question looking for just the sort, not the pagination, and realized that sorting in the .NET code was actually what I needed, and that was sufficient. The question didn't help me, and so I was posting to help those that only needed the sort and had run across this. Sorry I was previously unclear.Macroscopic

You can use a complicated order by clause. That requires one case for each sort direction and each data type. With this example dataset:

create table t1 (id int, name varchar(50), created date);
insert t1 values 
    (1, 'Chihiro Ogino', '2012-01-01'), 
    (2, 'Spirit of the Kohaku River', '2012-01-03'), 
    (3, 'Yubaba', '2012-01-02');

You could use an order by clause like:

declare @sortColumn varchar(50) = 'created'
declare @sortOrder varchar(50) = 'DESC'

select  *
from    t1
order by
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then 0
        when @sortColumn = 'id' then id
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'name' then name
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then cast(null as date)
        when @sortColumn = 'created' then created
        end ASC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then 0
        when @sortColumn = 'id' then id
        end DESC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then ''
        when @sortColumn = 'name' then name
        end DESC
,       case
        when @sortOrder <> 'DESC' then cast(null as date)
        when @sortColumn = 'created' then created
        end DESC

Working example at SQL Fiddle.

Another option is to create the query dynamically, and run it with exec. For example:

declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = 'select * from YourTable order by ' + @sortColumn + ' ' + @sortDir
exec (@sql)
Thermal answered 26/2, 2013 at 9:17 Comment(15)
instead of case, do we have better solution as i have 11 columns for sort type.Wheelhouse
I tried writing Order by case when (@Sort='RegDate' and @SortDirection='Desc') Then RegDate End Desc, but it didn't workWheelhouse
@JitendraPancholi: That should work, if the variables are set correctly.Thermal
you can check in my query above. Its not sorting properly.Wheelhouse
Can you please add 1 more column of date type and add sorting for that also and check. It won't work.Wheelhouse
New example with multiple columns and multiple data types (a separate case is required for each data type and each sort order. Dynamic SQL is a bit simpler I'd think.)Thermal
Let me check, and dynamic sql would be a performance issue..don't you think.Wheelhouse
Quite the opposite, dynamic SQL is usually best for performance. It makes the order by clause much simpler. For a date column, make sure the type is correct. Try ... when @sortOrder <> 'ASC' then cast(null as datetime) ...Thermal
Yeah, got it. its working now. thanx. And one more thing, dynamic sql never compiles and its not good for performance.Wheelhouse
@JitendraPancholi: Dynamic SQL is compiled and its query plan is reused whenever you run the exact same query. This is actually an advantage: compiling a specific plan for each query is often better than running a generic plan that handles all cases.Thermal
let us continue this discussion in chatThermal
It should be noted that dynamic SQL is an injection vulnerability. Don't use dynamic SQL if the parameter is controlled by the client. Even if it's just a multiple choice, if the string is what is sent from the client, they can use a custom POST to change the string that is sent up.Rowel
This article explains all the options and I learned a LOT (things I didn't know to ask) from this article: The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL by MVP Erland Sommarskog.
I used this to simplify a large Entity Framework query by doing the filtering, sorting and OFFSET/FETCH NEXT-based pagination in an SQL function, then loading the objects with EF based on the returned primary keys. One thing to note with that approach: Include a ROW_NUMBER() over the same ORDER BY clause in your return values and use it to order the objects.Lanthanum
Is it not recomanded to turn the sp into a table function ? Table functions act as ordinery tablesLogway

@Andomar's answer help solve a similar issue. I needed to sort on any number of 23 different columns, in any order. I ended up with the following:

create table sorting(ID int, columnName varchar(50), sort varchar(10), position int)
insert into sorting 

Adding parameter @sort to the SP to identify the entries in sorting:

ORDER BY ISNULL(STUFF((SELECT ', ' + a.columnName + ' ' +  a.sort 
                    FROM sorting a
                    WHERE a.ID = @sort
                    ORDER BY a.position ASC
            FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''),NULL)
Villus answered 23/1, 2016 at 23:10 Comment(1)
Good idea for sorting with multiple columnsCurst

There are two basic approaches to building dynamically orderable stored procedures:

  1. Pass in the ORDER BY clause as a parameter to the stored procedure. In the stored procedure, build up the SQL statement in a string and then execute this statement using EXEC or sp_ExecuteSql.

    -- This Method is used when your Column names are dynamic 
    -- We need to create a dynamic query and Execute it as shown below.
    CREATE PROCEDURE getEmployees ( @OrderByClause varchar(100) ) AS
    -- Create a variable @SQLStatement
    DECLARE @SQLStatement varchar(255)
    -- Enter the dynamic SQL statement into the
    -- variable @SQLStatement
    SELECT @SQLStatement =  'SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, SSN, Salary  
     FROM Employees ORDER BY '+ @OrderByClause+''
    -- Execute the SQL statement
  2. Pass in the column to sort by and then use a CASE statement in the ORDER BY clause to order the results according to the input parameter value.

    --This method is used when you column name is not dynamic 
    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, SSN, Salary
    FROM Employees
      CASE WHEN @ColumnName='LastName' THEN LastName
           WHEN @ColumnName='Salary' THEN CONVERT(varchar(50), Salary)
           WHEN @ColumnName='SSN' THEN SSN
Necessitous answered 25/10, 2017 at 13:40 Comment(3)
You should at least site this is from
Incomplete, Haven't Explained Dynamic Sorting Direction.Bohs
The Salary column is a number, the CONVERT will make it left-aligned. you might need to do RIGHT(SPACE(20) + FORMAT(Salary, '#.00'), 20)Canebrake

Since SQL Server 2016 you could use a JSON string.

Just using a simple table to illustrate the concept in this example.

CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT)
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,2,3),(3,1,2),(2,3,1),(1,3,2),(2,1,3),(3,2,1);

@order        NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{"c1":"DESC","c3":"ASC"}'

  FROM t1
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c1') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c1 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c1') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c1 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c2') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c2 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c2') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c2 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c3') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c3 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$.c3') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c3 END ASC;

If a column is not listed in the JSON string, or its value is invalid, then it will be ignored.

A blank JSON string (i.e. {}) does work. There is just no specific order.

If the column sort order also needs to be dynamic this can be expanded on by adding a sequence number variable within the JSON string. The ORDER BY code will also have to be repeated for each iteration of the sequence.

@order        NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{"1":{"c1":"DESC"},"2":{"c3":"ASC"}}'

  FROM t1
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c1') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c1 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c1') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c1 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c2') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c2 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c2') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c2 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c3') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c3 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."1".c3') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c3 END ASC,

    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c1') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c1 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c1') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c1 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c2') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c2 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c2') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c2 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c3') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c3 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."2".c3') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c3 END ASC,

    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c1') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c1 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c1') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c1 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c2') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c2 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c2') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c2 END ASC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c3') WHEN 'DESC' THEN c3 END DESC,
    CASE JSON_VALUE(@order, '$."3".c3') WHEN 'ASC' THEN c3 END ASC;

Note: The quotes around the sequence number in the JSON_VALUE statement is required here because the variable name starts with a number.

This method does assume that there are no repeating sequence or column name entries within the JSON string.

You may be able to adapt this to use XML if you are on an earlier version of SQL Server (2005 - 2014). I have not tried it.

Epiblast answered 5/6, 2024 at 11:8 Comment(0)

something like this should work :

  CASE WHEN @SortDirection = 'ASC'  THEN @SortType END ASC,
  CASE WHEN @SortDirection = 'DESC' THEN @SortType END DESC
Unblock answered 26/2, 2013 at 9:16 Comment(7)
Ordering by SortType won't work. SQL Server doesn't allow a variable in the place of a column name.Thermal
instead of case, do we have better solution as i have 11 columns for sort type.Wheelhouse
@Thermal No, Sql server 2008 r2 accepts it, I just tried ( just forget to put @ at the first of the names at first)Unblock
@JitendraPancholi you want them to be different in SortDirection with each other?Unblock
@MaryamArshi: It will accept it, but it won't work as you expect. It'll sort on the constant value of @SortType, i.e., it won't sort at allThermal
@MaryamArshi: yes, it won't work properly. this is what i mentioned above in my question too.Wheelhouse
It might not work for a variable field, but it works perfectly well for a constant field if anyone wants to do that as I did, but with a variable sort direction: ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortDesc=1 THEN DateField END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortDesc=0 THEN DateField END ASCAlterable

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