I have a page with a lot of forms, and the user is going to pick something on that page. When the user does, I need to place that element somewhere else, much like a shopping cart really. But I can't seem to get more than the first form on the page to actually work as intended. I've tried multiple things:
- Give all forms the same ID, which only caused the first form to act as I wanted, giving me the data of that form.
- Give them all the same ID again, this time appending a unique identifier to the ID, but of course, then my jQuery
doesn't catch it since it doesn't match.
So I am thinking how I would go about this. I need to only recieve the data from the submitted form on the page. And as mentioned, I could give them all a prefix of some sort, like I have now, but then I don't know how to match it.
Help would be greatly appriciated!
Some code as requested (only an example to show what I mean, of course):
<form id="something-0"><input type="hidden" value="0"><input type="submit"></form>
<form id="something-1"><input type="hidden" value="1"><input type="submit"></form>
The jQuery:
$("#something-%").submit(function(e) {
I want the #something-% to accept anything that comes after the "-", I hope you understand.
event capture. – Jarrettjarrid