I have to add a custom header in an android grpc client. I am unable to send it successfully.
public class HeaderClientInterceptor implements ClientInterceptor {
public < ReqT, RespT > ClientCall < ReqT, RespT > interceptCall(MethodDescriptor < ReqT, RespT > method,
CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
return new SimpleForwardingClientCall < ReqT, RespT > (next.newCall(method, callOptions)) {
public void start(Listener < RespT > responseListener, Metadata headers) {
/* put custom header */
Timber.d("header sending to server:");
Metadata fixedHeaders = new Metadata();
Metadata.Key < String > key =
Metadata.Key.of("Grps-Matches-Key", Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER);
fixedHeaders.put(key, "primary.secondary");
super.start(new SimpleForwardingClientCallListener < RespT > (responseListener) {
public void onHeaders(Metadata headers) {
* if you don't need receive header from server,
* you can use {@link io.grpc.stub.MetadataUtils attachHeaders}
* directly to send header
Timber.e("header received from server:" + headers.toString());
}, headers);
EDIT: Added the custom header using this way successfully
Now in my grpc call, I am calling like this
ClientInterceptor interceptor = new HeaderClientInterceptor();
Channel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(BuildConfig.HOST, BuildConfig.PORT).build();
Channel channelWithHeader = ClientInterceptors.intercept(channel, interceptor);
ServiceGrpc.ServiceBlockingStub service = ServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channelWithHeader);
I have built the above request and calling it in the pseudo call as below.
Iterator<Model> dataItems = service.getItems(SOMERequestBuilderObj);
I am trying to add a custom header like this
"Grps-Matches-Key : primary.secondary"
In Rest API call I would have added this as a header like
builder.header("Grps-Matches-Key", "primary.secondary");
Hope this helps.
– Renascence