What is the exact order of deconstruction? Can anyone describe in detail the implementation of destruction order that PHP uses? And, if this order is not consistent between any and all PHP versions, can anyone pinpoint which PHP versions this order changes in?
I can answer three of these for you, in a somewhat roundabout way.
The exact order of destruction is not always clear, but is always consistent given a single script and PHP version. That is, the same script running with the same parameters that creates objects in the same order will basically always get the same destruction order as long as it runs on the same PHP version.
The shutdown process -- the thing that triggers object destruction when script execution has stopped -- has changed in the recent past, at least twice in a way that impacted the destruction order indirectly. One of these two introduced bugs in some old code I had to maintain.
The big one was back in 5.1. Prior to 5.1, the user's session was written to disk at the very start of the shutdown sequence, before object destruction. This meant that session handlers could access anything that was left over object-wise, like, say, custom database access objects. In 5.1, sessions were written after one sweep of object destruction. In order to retain the previous behavior, you had to manually register a shutdown function (which are run in order of definition at the start of shutdown before destruction) in order to successfully write session data if the write routines needed a (global) object.
It is not clear if the 5.1 change was intended or was a bug. I've seen both claimed.
The next change was in 5.3, with the introduction of the new garbage collection system. While the order of operations at shutdown remained the same, the precise order of destruction could now change based on ref counting and other delightful horrors.
NikiC's answer has details on the current (at time of writing) internal implementation of the shutdown process.
Once again, this is not guaranteed anywhere, and the documentation very expressly tells you to never assume a destruction order.
if you need to rely on a particular order. – Overweary