Is there any simple solution to save data into database using JPA in a new thread?
My Spring based web application allows user to manage scheduled tasks. On runtime he can create and start new instances of predefined tasks. I am using spring's TaskScheduler and everything works well.
But I need to save boolean result of every fired task into database. How can I do this?
EDIT: I have to generalize my question: I need to call a method on my @Service class from tasks. Because the task result has to be "processed" before saving into database.
EDIT 2: Simplified version of my problematic code comes here. When saveTaskResult() is called from scheduler, message is printed out but nothing is saved into db. But whenever I call saveTaskResult() from controller, record is correctly saved into database.
public class DemoService {
private TaskResultDao taskResultDao;
private TaskScheduler scheduler;
public void scheduleNewTask() {
scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// do some action here
saveTaskResult(new TaskResult("result"));
}, 1000L);
public void saveTaskResult(TaskResult result) {
System.out.println("saving task result");