I have made a Java Application and I tested it in my pc and my coined pc, so far so good... But this application is for another friend of mine that have a disco, when I "installed" my application on his pc (Windows Vista 32 bits) it didn't work, then i go searching and searching and I find out that the problem as the privileges... I installed a virtual machine of vista 32 bits and xp 32 bits to do some tests and I'm not able to run my application with full administrator privileges.
Is there any way to create a batch file or something that would allow me to run my application with all privileges? I mean all because I need to connect to a COM port of the computer to get some data from a device and I need to store some files, and since I'm using an external library I might need some privileges that I don't know... I have tried this and nothing works:
elevate "c:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "%CD%\installer.jar"
using the elevate scripts from microsoft, I also created a batch file with
runas /user:Administrator myjar.jar
but nothing worked :\ Any ideas? thank you in advance