Today I tried to launch my Android app from within eclipse but nothing happened. Everything worked fine yesterday. I tried a few things like adb kill-server, adb-start-server. At some point I got the "user data image is used by another emulator" error, so I went about deleting the .lock folders in the avd image but to no avail.
I created a new avd and the emulator doesnt even start with this image. I tried to start it with
emulator -avd avdname
->nothing. No error. emulator.exe is running in Taskmanager.
Windows 7 Android SDK Tools, revision 7
Update: Now I know when I get the error
emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting
it's when I try to run the application again after the emulator.exe is already dangling in Taksmanager.
Update: waited for 20mins. emulator.exe is just sitting there with 00:00:00 cpu time.