This is my nodemon.json
"watch": ["src/**/*.ts"],
"exec": "node out/index.js"
I run the nodemon by executing:
In root nodejs directory
This is output:
% nodemon
[nodemon] 1.11.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: src/**/*.ts
[nodemon] starting node out/index.js
Yay! Started app!
But when I edit any ts file in src nodemon doesn't restart the app.
Running nodemon --watch src/index.ts --exec 'node out/index.js'
Works and reloads the app on modifying index.ts
However, running with wildcard
nodemon --watch 'src/**/*.ts' --exec 'node out/index.js'
nodemon --watch src --exec 'node out/index.js'
Doesn't reload the app.
package. Refer: #37979989 – Brigand