I decided to figure out which of Protobuf, Flatbuffers and Cap'n proto would be the best/fastest serialization for my application. In my case sending some kind of byte/char array over a network (the reason I serialized to that format). So I made simple implementations for all three where i seialize and dezerialize a string, a float and an int. This gave unexpected resutls: Protobuf being the fastest. I would call them unexpected since both cap'n proto and flatbuffes "claims" to be faster options. Before I accept this I would like to see if I unitentionally cheated in my code somehow. If i did not cheat I would like to know why protobuf is faster (exactly why is probably impossible). Could the messages be to simeple for cap'n proto and faltbuffers to really make them shine?
My timings:
Time taken flatbuffers: 14162 microseconds
Time taken capnp: 60259 microseconds
Time taken protobuf: 12131 microseconds
(time from one machine. Relative comparison might be relevant.)
UPDATE: The above numbers are not representative of CORRECT usage, at least not for capnp -- see answers & comments.
flatbuffer code:
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
std::string s = "string";
float f = 3.14;
int i = 1337;
std::string s_r;
float f_r;
int i_r;
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder message_sender;
int steps = 10000;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++){
auto autostring = message_sender.CreateString(s);
auto encoded_message = CreateTestmessage(message_sender, autostring, f, i);
uint8_t *buf = message_sender.GetBufferPointer();
int size = message_sender.GetSize();
//Send stuffs
//Receive stuffs
auto recieved_message = GetTestmessage(buf);
s_r = recieved_message->string_()->str();
f_r = recieved_message->float_();
i_r = recieved_message->int_();
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start);
cout << "Time taken flatbuffer: " << duration.count() << " microseconds" << endl;
return 0;
cap'n proto code:
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
char s[] = "string";
float f = 3.14;
int i = 1337;
const char * s_r;
float f_r;
int i_r;
::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message_builder;
Testmessage::Builder message = message_builder.initRoot<Testmessage>();
int steps = 10000;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++){
kj::Array<capnp::word> encoded_array = capnp::messageToFlatArray(message_builder);
kj::ArrayPtr<char> encoded_array_ptr = encoded_array.asChars();
char * encoded_char_array = encoded_array_ptr.begin();
size_t size = encoded_array_ptr.size();
//Send stuffs
//Receive stuffs
kj::ArrayPtr<capnp::word> received_array = kj::ArrayPtr<capnp::word>(reinterpret_cast<capnp::word*>(encoded_char_array), size/sizeof(capnp::word));
::capnp::FlatArrayMessageReader message_receiver_builder(received_array);
Testmessage::Reader message_receiver = message_receiver_builder.getRoot<Testmessage>();
s_r = message_receiver.getString().cStr();
f_r = message_receiver.getFloat();
i_r = message_receiver.getInt();
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start);
cout << "Time taken capnp: " << duration.count() << " microseconds" << endl;
return 0;
protobuf code:
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
std::string s = "string";
float f = 3.14;
int i = 1337;
std::string s_r;
float f_r;
int i_r;
Testmessage message_sender;
Testmessage message_receiver;
int steps = 10000;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++){
int len = message_sender.ByteSize();
char encoded_message[len];
message_sender.SerializeToArray(encoded_message, len);
//Send stuffs
//Receive stuffs
message_receiver.ParseFromArray(encoded_message, len);
s_r = message_receiver.string();
f_r = message_receiver.float_m();
i_r = message_receiver.int_m();
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start);
cout << "Time taken protobuf: " << duration.count() << " microseconds" << endl;
return 0;
not including the message definition files scince they are simple and most likely has nothing to do with it.
and its sub messages is a large part of the cost, and in your benchmark code the allocation is done only on the first iteration, and then reused on all other iteration, essentially erasing that cost. Same for deallocation. That apples to oranges since the other other two do not allocate such objects. Also, you're better off serializing something more complex for a good comparison, such as something involving a sub-object, an array, etc. – Delamare