Observations - Part - I
I saw a suggestion elsewhere to run the following command to see if there's something wrong with my .mp4.
ffmpeg -v error -i ~/Desktop/5_minute_sync_output_15mn.mp4 -f null - 2>error.log
When I run the above command, I see a whole bunch of the logs on the lines of what's shown below.
Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 15635 >= 15635
This, from searching and reading up quite a bit, I understand that the decoding timestamp isn't in sequential order.
Observations - Part II
But, inspecting the frames of the same mp4 using the following command and some post processing, I don't see pkt_dts
within the frames_info json being out of order for either of the video or audio streams.
ffprobe -loglevel panic -of json -show_frames ~/Desktop/5_minute_sync_output_15mn.mp4
This makes me doubt my initial understanding in Observations - Part - I
Are these 2 things not related? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
output? – Sterile