How to simulate drop-down form in Delphi?
Asked Answered



How can i create a "drop-down" window using Delphi?

Everything beyond this point is research effort; and is in no way related to the answer.

Research Effort

Making a proper drop-down requires a lot of pieces to carefully work together. I assume people don't like the difficult question, and would rather i asked seven separate questions; each one addressing one tiny piece of the problem. Everything that follows is my research effort into solving the deceptively simple problem.

Note the defining characteristics of a drop-down window:

enter image description here

  • 1. The drop-down extends outside it's "owner" window
  • 2. The "owner" window keeps focus; the drop-down never steals focus
  • 3. The drop-down window has a drop-shadow

This is the Delphi variation of the same question i asked about in WinForms:

The answer in WinForms was to use the ToolStripDropDown class. It is a helper class that turns any form into a drop-down.

Lets do it in Delphi

I will start by creating a gaudy dropdown form, that serves as the example:

enter image description here

Next i will drop a button, that will be the thing i click to make the drop-down appear:

enter image description here

And finally i will wire-up some initial code to show the form where it needs to be in the OnClick:

procedure TForm3.Button1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; 
      Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    frmPopup: TfrmPopup;
    pt: TPoint;
    frmPopup := TfrmPopup.Create(Self);

    //Show the form just under, and right aligned, to this button
    pt := Self.ClientToScreen(Button1.BoundsRect.BottomRight);
    Dec(pt.X, frmPopup.ClientWidth);

    frmPopup.Show(Self, Self.Handle, pt);

Edit: Changed it to MouseDown rather than Click. Click is incorrect, as the drop-down is shown without the need to click. One of the unresolved issues is how to hide a drop-down if the user mouse-downs the button again. But we'll leave that for the person who answers the question to solve. Everything in this question is research effort - not a solution.

And we're off:

enter image description here

Now how to do it the right way?

First thing we notice right away is the lack of a drop-shadow. That's because we need to apply the CS_DROPSHADOW window style:

procedure TfrmPopup.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
    CS_DROPSHADOW = $00020000;
    inherited CreateParams({var}Params);

    Params.WindowClass.Style := Params.WindowClass.Style or CS_DROPSHADOW;

That fixes that:

enter image description here

Focus Stealing

The next issue is that calling .Show on the popup causes it to steal focus (the title bar of the application indicates that it has lost focus). Sertac comes up with the solution to this.

  • when the popup receives it's WM_Activate message indicating that it is receiving focus (i.e. Lo(wParam) <> WA_INACTIVE):
  • send the parent form a WM_NCActivate(True, -1) to indicate that it should draw itself like it still has focus

We handle the WM_Activate:

   procedure WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate); message WM_ACTIVATE;

and the implementation:

procedure TfrmPopup.WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate);
    //if we are being activated, then give pretend activation state back to our owner
    if (Msg.Active <> WA_INACTIVE) then
        SendMessage(Self.PopupParent.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, WPARAM(True), -1);


So the owner window looks like it still has focus (who knows if that is the correct way to do it - it only looks like it still has focus):

enter image description here

Rolling up

Fortunately, Sertac already solves the problem of how to dismiss the window whenever the user clicks away:

  • when the popup receives it's WM_Activate message indicating that it is losing focus (i.e. Lo(wParam) = WA_INACTIVE):
  • send the owner control a notification that we are rolling up
  • Free the popup form

We add that to our existing WM_Activate handler:

procedure TfrmPopup.WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate);
    //if we are being activated, then give pretend activation state back to our owner
    if (Msg.Active <> WA_INACTIVE) then
        SendMessage(Self.PopupParent.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, WPARAM(True), -1);


    //If we're being deactivated, then we need to rollup
    if Msg.Active = WA_INACTIVE then
        //TODO: Tell our owner that we've rolled up

        //Note: The parent should not be using rollup as the time to read the state of all controls in the popup.
        //      Every time something in the popup changes, the drop-down should give that inforamtion to the owner
        Self.Release; //use Release to let WMActivate complete

Sliding the dropdown

Dropdown controls use AnimateWindow to slide the drop-down down. From Microsoft's own combo.c:

      || (GetAppCompatFlags2(VER40) & GACF2_ANIMATIONOFF)) {
   NtUserShowWindow(hwndList, SW_SHOWNA);
   AnimateWindow(hwndList, CMS_QANIMATION, (fAnimPos ? AW_VER_POSITIVE :
            AW_VER_NEGATIVE) | AW_SLIDE);

After checking if animations should be used, they use AnimateWindow to show the window. We can use SystemParametersInfo with SPI_GetComboBoxAnimation:

Determines whether the slide-open effect for combo boxes is enabled. The pvParam parameter must point to a BOOL variable that receives TRUE for enabled, or FALSE for disabled.

Inside our newly consecrated TfrmPopup.Show method, we can check if client area animations are enabled, and call either AnimateWindow or Show depending on the user's preference:

procedure TfrmPopup.Show(Owner: TForm; NotificationParentWindow: HWND;
      PopupPosition: TPoint);
    pt: TPoint;
    comboBoxAnimation: BOOL;
    FNotificationParentWnd := NotificationParentWindow;

    //We want the dropdown form "owned" by (i.e. not "parented" to) the OwnerWindow
    Self.Parent := nil; //the default anyway; but just to reinforce the idea
    Self.PopupParent := Owner; //Owner means the Win32 concept of owner (i.e. always on top of, cf Parent, which means clipped child of)
    Self.PopupMode := pmExplicit; //explicitely owned by the owner

    //Show the form just under, and right aligned, to this button
    Self.BorderStyle := bsNone;
    Self.Position := poDesigned;
    Self.Left := PopupPosition.X;
    Self.Top := PopupPosition.Y;

    if not Winapi.Windows.SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION, 0, @comboBoxAnimation, 0) then
        comboBoxAnimation := False;

    if comboBoxAnimation then
        //200ms is the shell animation duration
        AnimateWindow(Self.Handle, 200, AW_VER_POSITIVE or AW_SLIDE or AW_ACTIVATE);
        inherited Show;

Edit: Turns out there is SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION which should probably use over SPI_GETCLIENTAREAANIMATION. Which points to the depths of difficulty hidden behind the subtle "How to simulate a drop-down". Simulating a drop-down requires a lot of stuff.

The problem is that Delphi forms pretty much fall over dead if you try to use ShowWindow or AnimateWindow behind their back:

enter image description here

How to solve that?

It's also odd that Microsoft itself uses either:

  • ShowWindow(..., SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE), or
  • AnimateWindow(...) *(without AW_ACTIVATE)

to show the drop-down listbox without activation. And yet spying on a ComboBox with Spy++ i can see WM_NCACTIVATE flying around.

In the past people have simulated a slide window using repeated calls to change the Height of the drop-down form from a timer. Not only is this bad; but it also changes the size of the form. Rather than sliding down, the form grows down; you can see all the controls change their layout as the drop-down appears. No, having the drop-down form remain it's real size, but slide down is what is wanted here.

I know AnimateWindow and Delphi have never gotten along. And the question has been asked, a lot, long before Stackoverflow arrived. I even asked about it in 2005 on the newsgroups. But that can't stop me from asking again.

I tried to force my form to redraw after it animates:

AnimateWindow(Self.Handle, 200, AW_VER_POSITIVE or AW_SLIDE or AW_ACTIVATE);

But it doesn't work; it just sits there mocking me:

enter image description here

Now showing again when i want to close-up

If a combobox is dropped down, and the user tries to MouseDown on the button, the real Windows ComboBox control does not simply show the control again, but instead hides it:

enter image description here

The drop-down also knows that it is currently "dropped-down", which is useful so that it can draw itself as if it is in "dropped down" mode. What we need is a way to know that the drop-down is dropped down, and a way to know that the drop-down is no longer dropped down. Some kind of boolean variable:

   FDroppedDown: Boolean;

And it seems to me that we need to tell the host that we're closing up (i.e. losing activation). The host then needs to be responsible for destroying the popup. (the host cannot be responsible for destroying the popup; it leads to an unresolvable race condition). So i create a message used to notify the owner that we're closing up:

   WM_PopupFormCloseUp = WM_APP+89;

Note: I don't know how people avoid message constant conflicts (especially since CM_BASE starts at $B000 and CN_BASE starts at $BC00).

Building on Sertac's activation/deactivation routine:

procedure TfrmPopup.WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate);
    //if we are being activated, then give pretend activation state back to our owner
    if (Msg.Active <> WA_INACTIVE) then
        SendMessage(Self.PopupParent.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, WPARAM(True), -1);


    //If we're being deactivated, then we need to rollup
    if Msg.Active = WA_INACTIVE then
        //DONE: Tell our owner that we've rolled up
        //Note: We must post the message. If it is Sent, the owner
        //will get the CloseUp notification before the MouseDown that
        //started all this. When the MouseDown comes, they will think
        //they were not dropped down, and drop down a new one.
        PostMessage(FNotificationParentWnd, WM_PopupFormCloseUp, 0, 0);

        Self.Release; //use release to give WM_Activate a chance to return

And then we have to change our MouseDown code to understand that the drop-down is still there:

procedure TForm3.Edit1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    frmPopup: TfrmPopup;
    pt: TPoint;
    //If we (were) dropped down, then don't drop-down again.
    //If they click us, pretend they are trying to close the drop-down rather than open a second copy
    if FDroppedDown then
        //And since we're receiving mouse input, we by defintion must have focus.
        //and since the drop-down self-destructs when it loses activation, 
        //it can no longer be dropped down (since it no longer exists)

    frmPopup := TfrmPopup.Create(Self);

    //Show the form just under, and right aligned, to this button
    pt := Self.ClientToScreen(Edit1.BoundsRect.BottomRight);
    Dec(pt.X, frmPopup.ClientWidth);

    frmPopup.Show(Self, Self.Handle, pt);
    FDroppedDown := True;

And i think that's it

Aside from the AnimateWindow conundrum, i may have been able use my research effort to solve all the problems i can think of in order to:

Simulate a drop-down form in Delphi

Of course, this could all be for naught. It might turn out there's a VCL function:

TComboBoxHelper = class;
   class procedure ShowDropDownForm(...);

In which case that would be the correct answer.

Psychologism answered 9/4, 2015 at 22:0 Comment(18)
Only one window has the focus at one time. That's final. Use the keyboard to find out which one.Abiosis
What I mean is, press 'down' in the last example, 'q-z' will be highlighted, not 'databinding' - the listview does not have the focus.Abiosis
Dupe for the question in title: #2178994Abiosis
@SertacAkyuz The interesting thing is that it's still Explorer (or in the case of a combobox, the form that contains the combobox). Whereas when i show form, it gets focus.Psychologism
A focused (short for 'keyboard focus', like used in documentation of WM_SETFOCUS) window is defined as the window that receives keyboard input. Either you're wrong about your observations, or you use focus to mean a different thing.Abiosis
@Sertac Ian means that the parent form looses active state, as can be seen by the inactive border color. (At)Ian This means that the dropdown form isn't a child of the parent form. By default, only one Delphi form can be active, so you have to try Windows.SetParent or something alike to make the dropdownform a child of the parent form.Issiah
@Issiah - I believe the solution, then, would involve making the parent form draw in a fake activation state, like I linked in a comment. Menu windows, combo lists etc. does not become a child.Abiosis
@Ian - If you can confirm your question is a duplicate of the one I linked, we can close it as such. Otherwise you might try to expand on how different it is.Abiosis
@SertacAkyuz I've been using the insights in the linked question to solve the next issue. But there's still a number of issues related to simulating a drop-down that i have to work through. I was going to let the question it; hoping for someone knowing the answer to find it.Psychologism
@Ian - Without specifics of those issues you may have a hard time finding solutions.Abiosis
@SertacAkyuz I'm editing the question as we speak. It takes an hour or so to do all the pretty screenshots, linking to MSDN documentation, citing sources, etc!Psychologism
Not sure why the down votes, you're putting a lot of effort into this and have a clear goal.Burwell
@Burwell - This is a very poor question which only asks for the non-existent VCLs all-in-one drop-down solution, with a lot of irrelevant side stories too. If the question didn't ask that, the asker would already accept, or at least comment on, the answer that provides the reason and the solution to the failing part that's stated in the question. At least that would be the reason for my down vote, currently the 3rd one.Abiosis
@SertacAkyuz The question was "How to create a drop-down", not "How to solve the limited set of problems i have encountered so far in my attempts to show research effort". I was deliberate when i phrased the question, "How to simulate a drop-down form in Delphi"; because i knew how difficult it would be, and how my question could never encompass all the problems likely to be encountered in solving that problem. I agree that i should be allowed to ask *"How to create a drop-down in Delphi?" and leave it at that. But people tend to get grumpy and would close that question without reason.Psychologism
@Ian - " .. "How to create a drop-down", not "How to solve the limited set of problems i have encountered so far in my attempts to show research effort" ... " - They are one and the same question, you put all the pieces together, as I stated in my answer now. To expect one to do them all here is, well, IMO too broad....Abiosis
... besides, there's no one size fits all solution. Some will want the first outside click to be eaten, like a combobox does, some otherwise, like a menu. Some will want it to be resizable, some will want an animation when closing. Some will want to reuse the drop-down instance, some will create each time it's rolled. It is very likely that you will want to lex out of shape the all-in-one solution, if anyone ever posts one.Abiosis
If i ever have the question, "How to simulate a menu window in Delphi" that will be a separate question. Granted, a lot of code from this answer could be salvaged; but fundamentally it is a different question.Psychologism
@Ian - They are not very much distinct, the case discussed on this page rather acts like a menu. You can't click a button on a form when a combo list is dropped down, the first click on the form is just eaten. Try it..Abiosis

At the bottom of procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); you call frmPopup.Show; change that to ShowWindow(frmPopup.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); and after that you need to call frmPopup.Visible := True; else the components on the form won't show

So the new procedure looks like this:


procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  frmPopup: TfrmPopup;
  pt: TPoint;
  frmPopup := TfrmPopup.Create(Self);
  frmPopup.BorderStyle := bsNone;

  //We want the dropdown form "owned", but not "parented" to us
  frmPopup.Parent := nil; //the default anyway; but just to reinforce the idea
  frmPopup.PopupParent := Self;

  //Show the form just under, and right aligned, to this button
  frmPopup.Position := poDesigned;
  pt := Self.ClientToScreen(Button1.BoundsRect.BottomRight);
  Dec(pt.X, frmPopup.ClientWidth);
  frmPopup.Left := pt.X;
  frmPopup.Top := pt.Y;

  //  frmPopup.Show;
  ShowWindow(frmPopup.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
  //Else the components on the form won't show
  frmPopup.Visible := True;

But this won't prevent you popup from stealing focus. Inorder for preventing that, you need to override the WM_MOUSEACTIVATE event in your popup form

  TfrmPopup = class(TForm)
    procedure WMMouseActivate(var Message: TWMMouseActivate); message WM_MOUSEACTIVATE;

And the implementation

procedure TfrmPopup.WMMouseActivate(var Message: TWMMouseActivate);
  Message.Result := MA_NOACTIVATE;

I've decided to play arround with your popup window: The first thing I added was a close button. Just a simple TButton which in its onCLick Event calls Close:

procedure TfrmPopup.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

But that would only hide the form, in order for freeing it I added a OnFormClose event:

procedure TfrmPopup.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
  Action := caFree;

Then finally I thought it would be funny to add a resize function

I did that by overriding the WM_NCHITTEST Message :

procedure TfrmPopup.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
  EDGEDETECT = 7; //adjust to suit yourself
  deltaRect: TRect; //not really used as a rect, just a convenient structure

  with Message, deltaRect do
    Left := XPos - BoundsRect.Left;
    Right := BoundsRect.Right - XPos;
    Top := YPos - BoundsRect.Top;
    Bottom := BoundsRect.Bottom - YPos;

    if (Top < EDGEDETECT) and (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOPLEFT
    else if (Top < EDGEDETECT) and (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOPRIGHT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) and (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOMLEFT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) and (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOMRIGHT
    else if (Top < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOP
    else if (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTLEFT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOM
    else if (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTRIGHT;

So finally I've ended up with this :

unit frmPopupU;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;

  TfrmPopup = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure WMMouseActivate(var Message: TWMMouseActivate); message WM_MOUSEACTIVATE;
    procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST;
    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;


{$R *.dfm}

{ TfrmPopup }

procedure TfrmPopup.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TfrmPopup.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
  CS_DROPSHADOW = $00020000;
  inherited CreateParams({var}Params);
  Params.WindowClass.Style := Params.WindowClass.Style or CS_DROPSHADOW;

procedure TfrmPopup.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
  Action := caFree;

procedure TfrmPopup.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  DoubleBuffered := true;
  BorderStyle := bsNone;

procedure TfrmPopup.WMMouseActivate(var Message: TWMMouseActivate);
  Message.Result := MA_NOACTIVATE;

procedure TfrmPopup.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
  EDGEDETECT = 7; //adjust to suit yourself
  deltaRect: TRect; //not really used as a rect, just a convenient structure

  with Message, deltaRect do
    Left := XPos - BoundsRect.Left;
    Right := BoundsRect.Right - XPos;
    Top := YPos - BoundsRect.Top;
    Bottom := BoundsRect.Bottom - YPos;

    if (Top < EDGEDETECT) and (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOPLEFT
    else if (Top < EDGEDETECT) and (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOPRIGHT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) and (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOMLEFT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) and (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOMRIGHT
    else if (Top < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTTOP
    else if (Left < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTLEFT
    else if (Bottom < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTBOTTOM
    else if (Right < EDGEDETECT) then
      Result := HTRIGHT;


Hope you can use it.

Full and functional code

The following unit was tested only in Delphi 5 (emulated support for PopupParent). But beyond that, it does everything a drop-down needs. Sertac solved the AnimateWindow problem.

unit DropDownForm;

    A drop-down style form.

    Sample Usage

        procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
            pt: TPoint;
            if FPopup = nil then
                FPopup := TfrmOverdueReportsPopup.Create(Self);
            if FPopup.DroppedDown then //don't drop-down again if we're already showing it

            pt := Self.ClientToScreen(SmartSpeedButton1.BoundsRect.BottomRight);
            Dec(pt.X, FPopup.Width);

            FPopup.ShowDropdown(Self, pt);

    Simply make a form descend from TDropDownForm.

                TfrmOverdueReportsPopup = class(TForm)


                TfrmOverdueReportsPopup = class(TDropDownForm)


    Forms, Messages, Classes, Controls, Windows;

    WM_PopupFormCloseUp = WM_USER+89;

    TDropDownForm = class(TForm)
        FOnCloseUp: TNotifyEvent;
        FPopupParent: TCustomForm;
        FResizable: Boolean;
        function GetDroppedDown: Boolean;
{$IFNDEF SupportsPopupParent}
        procedure SetPopupParent(const Value: TCustomForm);
        procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
        procedure WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate); message WM_ACTIVATE;
        procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST;

        procedure DoCloseup; virtual;

        procedure WMPopupFormCloseUp(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_PopupFormCloseUp;

{$IFNDEF SupportsPopupParent}
        property PopupParent: TCustomForm read FPopupParent write SetPopupParent;
        constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

        procedure ShowDropdown(OwnerForm: TCustomForm; PopupPosition: TPoint);
        property DroppedDown: Boolean read GetDroppedDown;
        property Resizable: Boolean read FResizable write FResizable;

        property OnCloseUp: TNotifyEvent read FOnCloseUp write FOnCloseUp;



{ TDropDownForm }

constructor TDropDownForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);

    Self.BorderStyle := bsNone; //get rid of our border right away, so the creator can measure us accurately
    FResizable := True;

procedure TDropDownForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
    CS_DROPSHADOW = $00020000;
    dropShadow: BOOL;
    inherited CreateParams({var}Params);

    //It's no longer documented (because Windows 2000 is no longer supported)
    //but use of CS_DROPSHADOW and SPI_GETDROPSHADOW are only supported on XP (5.1) or newer
    if (Win32MajorVersion > 5) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 5) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 1)) then
        //Use of a drop-shadow is controlled by a system preference
        if not Windows.SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDROPSHADOW, 0, @dropShadow, 0) then
            dropShadow := False;

        if dropShadow then
            Params.WindowClass.Style := Params.WindowClass.Style or CS_DROPSHADOW;

{$IFNDEF SupportsPopupParent} //Delphi 5 support for "PopupParent" style form ownership
    if FPopupParent <> nil then
        Params.WndParent := FPopupParent.Handle;

procedure TDropDownForm.DoCloseup;
    if Assigned(FOnCloseUp) then

function TDropDownForm.GetDroppedDown: Boolean;
    Result := (Self.Visible);

{$IFNDEF SupportsPopupParent}
procedure TDropDownForm.SetPopupParent(const Value: TCustomForm);
    FPopupParent := Value;

procedure TDropDownForm.ShowDropdown(OwnerForm: TCustomForm; PopupPosition: TPoint);
    comboBoxAnimation: BOOL;
    i: Integer;

    AnimationDuration = 200; //200 ms
    //We want the dropdown form "owned" by (i.e. not "parented" to) the OwnerForm
    Self.Parent := nil; //the default anyway; but just to reinforce the idea
    Self.PopupParent := OwnerForm; //Owner means the Win32 concept of owner (i.e. always on top of, cf Parent, which means clipped child of)
{$IFDEF SupportsPopupParent}
    Self.PopupMode := pmExplicit; //explicitely owned by the owner

    //Show the form just under, and right aligned, to this button
//  Self.BorderStyle := bsNone; moved to during FormCreate; so can creator can know our width for measurements
    Self.Position := poDesigned;
    Self.Left := PopupPosition.X;
    Self.Top := PopupPosition.Y;

    //Use of drop-down animation is controlled by preference
    if not Windows.SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION, 0, @comboBoxAnimation, 0) then
        comboBoxAnimation := False;

    if comboBoxAnimation then
        //Delphi doesn't react well to having a form show behind its back (e.g. ShowWindow, AnimateWindow).
        //Force Delphi to create all the WinControls so that they will exist when the form is shown.
        for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
            if Controls[i] is TWinControl and Controls[i].Visible and
                    not TWinControl(Controls[i]).HandleAllocated then
                SetWindowPos(TWinControl(Controls[i]).Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        AnimateWindow(Self.Handle, AnimationDuration, AW_VER_POSITIVE or AW_SLIDE or AW_ACTIVATE);
        Visible := True; // synch VCL
        inherited Show;

procedure TDropDownForm.WMActivate(var Msg: TWMActivate);
    //If we are being activated, then give pretend activation state back to our owner
    if (Msg.Active <> WA_INACTIVE) then
        SendMessage(Self.PopupParent.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, WPARAM(True), -1);


    //If we're being deactivated, then we need to rollup
    if Msg.Active = WA_INACTIVE then
            Post a message (not Send a message) to oursleves that we're closing up.
            This gives a chance for the mouse/keyboard event that triggered the closeup
            to believe the drop-down is still dropped down.
            This is intentional, so that the person dropping it down knows not to drop it down again.
            They want clicking the button while is was dropped to hide it.
            But in order to hide it, it must still be dropped down.
        PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_PopupFormCloseUp, WPARAM(Self), LPARAM(0));

procedure TDropDownForm.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
    deltaRect: TRect; //not really used as a rect, just a convenient structure
    cx, cy: Integer;

    if not Self.Resizable then

    //The sizable border is a preference
    cx := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
    cy := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);

    with Message, deltaRect do
        Left := XPos - BoundsRect.Left;
        Right := BoundsRect.Right - XPos;
        Top := YPos - BoundsRect.Top;
        Bottom := BoundsRect.Bottom - YPos;

        if (Top < cy) and (Left < cx) then
            Result := HTTOPLEFT
        else if (Top < cy) and (Right < cx) then
            Result := HTTOPRIGHT
        else if (Bottom < cy) and (Left < cx) then
            Result := HTBOTTOMLEFT
        else if (Bottom < cy) and (Right < cx) then
            Result := HTBOTTOMRIGHT
        else if (Top < cy) then
            Result := HTTOP
        else if (Left < cx) then
            Result := HTLEFT
        else if (Bottom < cy) then
            Result := HTBOTTOM
        else if (Right < cx) then
            Result := HTRIGHT;

procedure TDropDownForm.WMPopupFormCloseUp(var Msg: TMessage);
    //This message gets posted to us.
    //Now it's time to actually closeup.

    DoCloseup; //raise the OnCloseup event *after* we're actually hidden

Maddux answered 10/4, 2015 at 4:26 Comment(22)
Showing the form in an inactive state doesn't it prevent from getting active in future. Does this solution prevent the parent form from getting inactive when the user clicks somewhere in the popup form?Issiah
I haven't tested that. I I won't have time to do so until laterMaddux
@Issiah I've updated the answer. Perhaps we should cleanup theese messages?Maddux
In the next iteration of code i moved from a Click to a MouseDown. Because in reality the user does not have to click a button; the drop-down appears right on mouse down. The next trick is how to make it not re-appear if i mouse-down on the button again. Sertac, in a related question, solved the activation and deactivation issue. I incorporated that code and updated the question.Psychologism
@IanBoyd I solved the original question. Now you feel for changing it . And you are showing the popup in a diffrent way compared to what I've showed you. I'll stop here.Maddux
The question was "How to create a drop-down", not "how to solve the limited set of problems that i have encountered so far in my attempts to show research effort into how to create a drop-down". I was deliberate when i phrased the question, "How to simulate a drop-down form in Delphi"; because i knew how difficult it would be, and how my question could never encompass all the problems likely to be encountered in solving that problem.Psychologism
@IanBoyd perhaps if you comment on my code I would put some more effort into your question. Bu so far I've only wasted my timeMaddux
Well, i actually appreciated your work; and that you took the time to do it. I was trying to be helpful in pointing you towards Sertac's solution of the losing/gaining/losing problem (which looks to be internally how the Combobox does it as well). And while i don't have any immediate need for resizing the drop-down; it certainly will be useful for anyone else coming along to this question in the future.Psychologism
MA_NOACTIVATE helps when you click directly on the popup form. But when you click on one of the controls on the form, the base form deactivates. This is not a working solution currently.Abiosis
you could subclass the components on the form.Maddux
I you make me an example program of what you have so far I'll give it a try againMaddux
I ended up using your WM_NCHitTest code for resizing. As soon as i had the drop-down i realized i wanted to be able to resize the form. The only exception is that i used the user preferences of resizing border size ( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) and GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME)) rather than hard-coding 7 pixels. Nice work.Psychologism
Cool @IanBoyd - So what do we have left before reaching the goal? Could you by any chance make me a minimum example? You could email me at [email protected] then we could publish he solution here afterwords.Maddux
Sorry, been writing code to actually populate it with real stuff (real work distractions). I'll append the final code into your answer. As a practical matter it turns out i couldn't use the form resizing. In order to have the bsNone form have a single pixel internal border, i had to have a panel inside panel. Windows sends the WM_NCHITTEST directly to the panel window procedures. And while i could have subclassed the two panels, a VirtualStringTree, and TWebBrowser, it was easier to go without. And besides, it was outside the scope of the question :)Psychologism
The original post used ShowWindow with SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, which was a dead end. @Ian, you'd rather post your own answer, the final solution has got very little with what was in the answer.Abiosis
Sorry, I'll sound grumpy for this but this answer really deserves the -1 for it proposes and explains a non-working solution (ShowWindow with SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, and handling WM_MOUSEACTIVATE) and at the same time includes a completely different final working solution.Abiosis
@SertacAkyuz it wasn't me who added the "Full and functional code" part. So yes you are grumpy.Maddux
@Jens - Even without the additional code you have a wrong answer. If that's not what a down vote is for, what is?Abiosis
This is a great piece of code for implementing a non-active form, I've been using this technique quite a long time. However, recently I run into an issue with Chinese input method - the form will cover the language input bar ( Any hint to solve that? I've spent one entire day without success, thanks.Teri
thanks for the effort guys very detailed question, nice solution!Sat
small recommendation: in the Create() save the ClientWidth+ClientHeight before setting the BorderStyle and restore after that, otherwise the form ClientArea will be bigger than it was in design-time.Sat
Any chance to draw a simple border around the form ? The left and the top edges has no border... I try puting all the form content in a TPanel and set the BevelKing to bvFlat, but has no effect...Gladi

How can i create a "drop-down" window using Delphi?

You put together all the bits and pieces you have summarized, there is no one VCL class/function that would produce a drop down form.

There are a few points to mention in your research though.

First, you're confusing activation with focus. Focus is not preserved in the calling form when another window pops in front of it, activation is - or it seems that way. Focus is where keyboard input goes, it is obviously on either the popped/dropped window or on a control in it.

Your problem with controls not showing with AnimateWindow is that, VCL does not create underlying native (OS) controls of TWinControls until it is necessary (non-wincontrols are not a problem). As far as VCL is concerned, creating them is not normally necessary until they will be visible, which is when you set Visible of your form to true (or call Show), which you cannot since then there will be no animation, unless of course you set visible after the animation.

This is also the missing requirement when you try to refresh your form:

AnimateWindow(Self.Handle, 200, AW_VER_POSITIVE or AW_SLIDE or AW_ACTIVATE);

Notice that in the above quote from the question, none of the calls fail. But there's nothing to paint, the form is not even visible yet.

Any means of forcing the controls to be created and making them visible will make your animation come alive.

if comboBoxAnimation then
  for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
    if Controls[i] is TWinControl and Controls[i].Visible and
        not TWinControl(Controls[i]).HandleAllocated then begin
      SetWindowPos(TWinControl(Controls[i]).Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  AnimateWindow(Handle, 200, AW_VER_POSITIVE or AW_SLIDE or AW_ACTIVATE);
  Visible := True; // synch VCL

This is just an example, showing the form off-screen or any other creative method could work equally well. Here, in this answer, I achieve the same by setting animated form's height to '0' before setting visible to true (I like the approach in this answer better though..).

Regarding not dropping again when the form is already dropped down, you don't have to post a message to the calling form for that. In fact don't do that, it requires unnecessary cooperation from the calling form. There will ever be only one instance to be dropped down, so you can use a global:

  TfrmPopup = class(TForm)
    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    FNotificationParentWnd: HWND;
    class var
      FDroppedDown: Boolean;

procedure TfrmPopup.Show(Owner: TForm; NotificationParentWindow: HWND;

  if not FDroppedDown then begin
      if comboBoxAnimation then begin

        // animate as above

        Visible := True; // synch with VCL
        FDroppedDown := True;
        inherited Show;

procedure TfrmPopup.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
  FDroppedDown := False;
Abiosis answered 10/4, 2015 at 22:31 Comment(0)

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