I have a Unit of Work implementation with, among others, the following method:
T Single<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new();
and I call it, for instance, like this:
var person = _uow.Single<Person>(p => p.FirstName == "Sergi");
How can I verify that the Single
method has been called with an argument of FirstName == "Sergi"
I've tried the following, but to no avail:
// direct approach
session.Verify(x => x.Single<Person>(p => p.FirstName == "Sergi"));
// comparing expressions
Expression<Func<Person, bool>> expression = p => p.FirstName == "Sergi");
session.Verify(x => x
.Single(It.Is<Expression<Func<Person, bool>>>(e => e == expression));
They all result in the folowing error:
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed
Any ideas on how that can be done? I'm using the latest Moq from NuGet, version 4.0.10827.0
UPDATE: A Specific example
What I'm seeing is that whenever I use string literals inside the lambda, Verify
works. As soon as I'm comparing variables it fails. Case in point:
// the verify
session.Verify(x => x.Single<Questionnaire>(q =>
q.Type == QuestionnaireType.Objective));
// QuestionnaireType.Objective is just a constant:
const string Objective = "objective";
// the method where it's called (FAILS):
public Questionnaire GetFromType(string type)
// this will fail the Verify
var questionnaire = _session
.Single<Questionnaire>(q => q.Type == type);
// the method where it's called (PASSES):
public Questionnaire GetFromType(string type)
// this will pass the Verify
var questionnaire = _session
.Single<Questionnaire>(q => q.Type == QuestionnaireType.Objective);
How come the Verify
fails as soon as I use the method parameter in the lambda expression?
What would be the proper way to write this test?