Maybe it's too late but here is a tip for using custom string interpolation that also works for solve the problem of IN clause.
I have implemented a helper class to define a string interpolation. You can see it below, and you can simply copy and paste, but first let's see how you can use it.
Instead of write something
SQL("select * from car where brand = {brand} and color = {color} and year = {year} order by name").on("brand" -> brand, "color" -> color, "year" -> year).as(Car.simple *)
You can simply write:
SQL"select * from car where brand = $brand and color = $color and year = $year order by name".as(Car.simple *)
So using string interpolation it's more concise and easier to read.
And for the case of using the IN clause, you can write:
val carIds = List(1, 3, 5)
SQLin"select * from car where id in ($carIds)".as(Car.simple *)
Or for your example:
val ids = List("111", "222", "333")
val users = SQLin"select * from users where id in ($ids)".as(parser *)
For more information about string interpolation, check this link
The code for this implicit class is the following:
package utils
object AnormHelpers {
def wild (str: String) = "%" + str + "%"
implicit class AnormHelper (val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
// SQL raw -> it simply create an anorm.Sql using string interpolation
def SQLr (args: Any*) = {
// Matches every argument to an arbitrary name -> ("p0", value0), ("p1", value1), ...
val params = => ("p"+p._2, p._1))
// Regenerates the original query substituting each argument by its name with the brackets -> "select * from user where id = {p0}"
val query = ( zip params).map{ case (s, p) => s + "{"+p._1+"}" }.mkString("") +
// Creates the anorm.Sql
anorm.SQL(query).on( => (p._1, anorm.toParameterValue(p._2))) :_*)
// SQL -> similar to SQLr but trimming any string value
def SQL (args: Any*) = {
val params = {
case (arg: String, index) => ("p"+index, arg.trim.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " "))
case (arg, index) => ("p"+index, arg)
val query = ( zip params).map { case (s, p) => s + "{"+ p._1 + "}" }.mkString("") +
anorm.SQL(query).on( => (p._1, anorm.toParameterValue(p._2))) :_*)
// SQL in clause -> similar to SQL but expanding Seq[Any] values separated by commas
def SQLin (args: Any*) = {
// Matches every argument to an arbitrary name -> ("p0", value0), ("p1", value1), ...
val params = {
case (arg: String, index) => ("p"+index, arg.trim.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " "))
case (arg, index) => ("p"+index, arg)
// Expands the Seq[Any] values with their names -> ("p0", v0), ("p1_0", v1_item0), ("p1_1", v1_item1), ...
val onParams = params.flatMap {
case (name, values: Seq[Any]) => => (name+"_"+v._2, anorm.toParameterValue(v._1)))
case (name, value) => List((name, anorm.toParameterValue(value)))
// Regenerates the original query substituting each argument by its name expanding Seq[Any] values separated by commas
val query = ( zip params).map {
case (s, (name, values: Seq[Any])) => s +"_"+_).mkString("{", "},{", "}")
case (s, (name, value)) => s + "{"+name+"}"
}.mkString("") +
// Creates the anorm.Sql
SQL"select * from users where id in ($ids)".as(parser.*)
– Quintanilla