Tree conflict on 'wp-content/plugins/cm-alpha/condensed-back.js'
> local file replace, incoming file edit upon update
Select: (mc) keep affected local moves,
(r) mark resolved (breaks moves), (p) postpone,
(q) quit resolution, (h) help:
After I replied with r
Resolved conflicted state of 'wp-content/plugins/cm-alpha/condensed-back.js'
Summary of conflicts:
Tree conflicts: 0 remaining (and 1 already resolved)
... and it continued on with update
Updating 'wp-content/plugins':
A wp-content/plugins/cm-jobs/both-ends/php/ajax-prc
U wp-content/plugins/cm-eats/condensed-front.css
U wp-content/plugins/cm-eats/condensed-front.min.css
U wp-content/plugins/cm-estore/condensed-front.css
Updated to revision 304.
At revision 304.
Upon completion I did a 'before' look at the file in question with
ls wp-content/plugins/cm-alpha/condensed-back.js -l
-rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 793528 Oct 19 21:13 condensed-back.js
I then ran these 2 commands:
sudo svn delete condensed-back.js --force
sudo svn revert condensed-back.js
I then did a 'after' look at the file in question which confirmed it was in fact updated to the latest repo version
ls wp-content/plugins/cm-alpha/condensed-back.js -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 794427 Oct 25 22:08 condensed-back.js
As you can see the bytesize is different and the date is the most recent date. So this procedure worked as mentioned elsewhere in this post. I just wanted to show it procedurally to take any grey area out of the process.
svn update
, put your file back, and then do ansvn commit
. Granted it's probably not the "correct" way to do it, but it's probably a lot simpler than playing with the SVN commands. – Berghoff