You can do this by specifying .repeat()
and the row
and column
list of variables. This is closer to ggplot's facet_grid()
than facet_wrap()
but the API is very elegant. (See discussion here.) The API is here
iris = data.iris()
alt.X(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative'),
alt.Y(alt.repeat("row"), type='quantitative'),
row=['petalLength', 'petalWidth'],
column=['sepalLength', 'sepalWidth']
Which produces:
Note that the entire set is interactive in tandem (zoom-in, zoom-out).
Be sure to check out RepeatedCharts and FacetedCharts in the Documentation.
Creating a facet_wrap()
style grid of plots
If you want a ribbon of charts laid out one after another (not necessarily mapping a column or row to variables in your data frame) you can do that by wrapping a combination of hconcat()
and vconcat()
over a list of Altair plots.
I am sure there are more elegant ways, but this is how I did it.
Logic used in the code below:
- First, create a
Altair chart
- Use
to filter your data into multiple subplots
- Decide on the number of plots in one row and slice up that list
- Loop through the list of lists, laying down one row at a time.
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
from altair.expr import datum
iris = data.iris()
base = alt.Chart(iris).mark_point().encode(
#create a list of subplots
subplts = []
for pw in iris['petalWidth'].unique():
subplts.append(base.transform_filter(datum.petalWidth == pw))
def facet_wrap(subplts, plots_per_row):
rows = [subplts[i:i+plots_per_row] for i in range(0, len(subplts), plots_per_row)]
compound_chart = alt.hconcat()
for r in rows:
rowplot = alt.vconcat() #start a new row
for item in r:
rowplot |= item #add suplot to current row as a new column
compound_chart &= rowplot # add the entire row of plots as a new row
return compound_chart
compound_chart = facet_wrap(subplts, plots_per_row=6)
to produce:
alt.layer(line, band, data=df).facet(column='series')
which produced 8 facets, I wanted 4 wide, so triedalt.layer(line, band, data=df).facet(column='series', columns=4)
which doesn't make sense in retrospect. Thecolumn
is a way of making the layout dynamic/data-driven, andcolumns
is a static setting, using bothcolumn
together is ambiguous, but not an error.columns=4
is ignored and it displays 8 charts horizontally.alt.layer(line, band, data=df).facet(facet='series', columns=4)
gave me the 2 rows of 4 charts I wanted. – Nonobedience