My Experience
I've worked with both, probably about a decade with each professionally, in all.
I've anecdotally spent far more time trying to make statically typed languages understand what I want to do (probably weeks – perhaps months in total) than I've spent fixing bugs caused by dynamic type errors (perhaps an hour or two a year?).
People have tried quite hard to get evidence that one or the other is better in terms of programmer productivity, but the most recent review I've read says there's no strong evidence for either.
Static type analysis is useful in some situations. I don't think it should not be inherently baked in to your language. It should be a tool within your interactive computing environment, along with your tests, your REPL, your refactors, your docs, your literate coding, etc.
Static type systems can make you think about useful things. This is especially true in a language like Haskell with Type Classes and Monads (which I confess I still don't really get). This is a good thing, but I feel it is totalitarian to believe it is always a good thing. You should think about it when appropriate. A language should not make you think about it or be aware of it from the outset of development.
Both Too Restrictive & Not Restrictive Enough
Static type systems that aren't Turing complete have limited expressivity. Why bake that in to the language using a new special domain specific language just for talking about types? Now your language sets the exact level of expressivity you have access to. Want more? You need to re-write your code or update the language. Want less? You're out of luck – use a different language.
Instead, why not use a base dynamic language to describe types and type systems when you want to? As a library. It's more expressive; more powerful (if wished); more flexible; and means a smaller base language.
Statically typed languages seem to encourage boilerplate or code generation. I'm not sure if this is inherent. Perhaps a sufficiently powerful macro system would overcome it. I'm comparing the state of mocks for testing in Swift with that of objective c.
Statically typed languages seem to encourage monolithic applications – this is an opinion and an observation that I can't back up, but it seems to hold… They, or the tooling they come with, seems to encourage monolithic applications and thinking.
In contrast, in interactive computing environments you don't build a new application, you instead extend out the system so that it does more. The systems I know of (Lisp machines, Smalltalk, and Unix – its tools have a dynamically typed interface between them) use dynamic typing to assemble parts together.
We should be building tiny extensions to a whole, rather than setting out to build new whole applications, so this monolithic tendency, if it exists, is damaging.
The fastest dynamic tracing JIT compilers produce fast code, and they're still a fairly young technology. Still – you could also do this with a statically typed language.
Long Term
I suspect that long term, we'll end up with environments that support powerful static analysis, where you'll be able to declare types and protocols, and the system will help you to see if they are satisfied, or help show you the implied types. But you won't need to do that.