This scenario will cover several use case. Please take look at these steps , it help me a lot.
1 - Understand that each device must have their own WCSession instance configured and with the appropriate delegates configured.
2 - implement WCSessionDelegate only at one single place on each device, ej. on iOS app on the AppDelegate, on watchOS on ExtensionDelegate. This is very important because with the appropriate WCSession configured on watchOS but on iPhone implementing on two different place, ej. on app delegate and then on the first viewcontorllweer of the app, (on my case ) lead to unstable behaviour and thats the main reason why sometimes the iOS app stop responding when message received from watch.
3 - reactivating the session is advisable only do it on the Host App. This is an example of my iOS App with only one WCSessionDelegate.
(AppDelegate )
#pragma mark - WCSessionDelegate
- (void)session:(WCSession *)session activationDidCompleteWithState:(WCSessionActivationState)activationState error:(NSError *)error{
if( activationState == WCSessionActivationStateActivated) {
NSLog(@"iPhone WKit session Activated");
}else if (activationState == WCSessionActivationStateInactive) {
NSLog(@"iPhone WKit Inactive");
}else if (activationState == WCSessionActivationStateNotActivated) {
NSLog(@"iPhone WKit NotActivated");
- (void)sessionDidBecomeInactive:(WCSession *)session{
The session calls this method when it detects that the user has switched to a different Apple Watch. While in the inactive state, the session delivers any pending data to your delegate object and prevents you from initiating any new data transfers. After the last transfer finishes, the session moves to the deactivated state
if (session.hasContentPending) {
NSLog(@"inactive w/ pending content");
- (void)sessionDidDeactivate:(WCSession *)session{
// Begin the activation process for the new Apple Watch.
[[WCSession defaultSession] activateSession];
//perform any final cleanup tasks related to closing out the previous session.
- (void)sessionReachabilityDidChange:(WCSession *)session{
last thing, write the appropriate method signature, if you need a reply sending data from watch , take the method signature who have reply:...
According to apple the following methods
sendMessage:replyHandler:errorHandler:, sendMessageData:replyHandler:errorHandler:, and transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo:
has a higher priority and is transmitted right away. All messages received by your app are delivered to the session delegate serially on a background thread.
So do not waste time dispatching the reply object on mainQueue on the iOS appDelegate, wait till you have the response on your watchOS back and change it to main thread to update your UI accordingly.
)? It'd be good to see the code that sends the message and the implementation of the delegate method that should be receiving it! – Swane