This is a JIT compiler optimization (not java compiler optimization).
If you compare the byte code generated by java compiler for the two versions you will see that the loop is present in both of them.
This is how the decompiled method with println looks:
private static void loop() {
long value = 0L;
for(int j = 0; j < '썐'; ++j) {
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) {
System.out.println("Done " + value);
This is how the decompiled method looks when println is removed:
private static void loop() {
long value = 0L;
for(int j = 0; j < '썐'; ++j) {
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i) {
As you can see the loops are still there.
However you can enable JIT compiler logging and assembly printing with the following JVM options:
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:+PrintAssembly
You may also need to download the hsdis-amd64.dylib and put in your working directory (MacOS, HotSpot Java 8)
After you run the TestClient you should see the code produced by JIT compiler in the console. Here I will post only excerpt from the output.
Version without println:
# {method} 'loop' '()V' in 'test/TestClient'
0x000000010e3c2500: callq 0x000000010dc1c202 ; {runtime_call}
0x000000010e3c2505: data32 data32 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
0x000000010e3c2510: sub $0x18,%rsp
0x000000010e3c2517: mov %rbp,0x10(%rsp)
0x000000010e3c251c: mov %rsi,%rdi
0x000000010e3c251f: movabs $0x10dc760ec,%r10
0x000000010e3c2529: callq *%r10 ;*iload_3
; - test.TestClient::loop@12 (line 9)
0x000000010e3c252c: add $0x10,%rsp
0x000000010e3c2530: pop %rbp
0x000000010e3c2531: test %eax,-0x1c18537(%rip) # 0x000000010c7aa000
; {poll_return}
0x000000010e3c2537: retq
Version with println:
# {method} 'loop' '()V' in 'test/TestClient'
0x00000001092c36c0: callq 0x0000000108c1c202 ; {runtime_call}
0x00000001092c36c5: data32 data32 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
0x00000001092c36d0: mov %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)
0x00000001092c36d7: push %rbp
0x00000001092c36d8: sub $0x10,%rsp
0x00000001092c36dc: mov 0x10(%rsi),%r13
0x00000001092c36e0: mov 0x8(%rsi),%ebp
0x00000001092c36e3: mov (%rsi),%ebx
0x00000001092c36e5: mov %rsi,%rdi
0x00000001092c36e8: movabs $0x108c760ec,%r10
0x00000001092c36f2: callq *%r10
0x00000001092c36f5: jmp 0x00000001092c3740
0x00000001092c36f7: add $0x1,%r13 ;*iload_3
; - test.TestClient::loop@12 (line 9)
0x00000001092c36fb: inc %ebx ;*iinc
; - test.TestClient::loop@22 (line 9)
0x00000001092c36fd: cmp $0x5f5e101,%ebx
0x00000001092c3703: jl 0x00000001092c36f7 ;*if_icmpge
; - test.TestClient::loop@15 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3705: jmp 0x00000001092c3734
0x00000001092c3707: nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
0x00000001092c3710: mov %r13,%r8 ;*iload_3
; - test.TestClient::loop@12 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3713: mov %r8,%r13
0x00000001092c3716: add $0x10,%r13 ;*ladd
; - test.TestClient::loop@20 (line 10)
0x00000001092c371a: add $0x10,%ebx ;*iinc
; - test.TestClient::loop@22 (line 9)
0x00000001092c371d: cmp $0x5f5e0f2,%ebx
0x00000001092c3723: jl 0x00000001092c3710 ;*if_icmpge
; - test.TestClient::loop@15 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3725: add $0xf,%r8 ;*ladd
; - test.TestClient::loop@20 (line 10)
0x00000001092c3729: cmp $0x5f5e101,%ebx
0x00000001092c372f: jl 0x00000001092c36fb
0x00000001092c3731: mov %r8,%r13 ;*iload_3
; - test.TestClient::loop@12 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3734: inc %ebp ;*iinc
; - test.TestClient::loop@28 (line 8)
0x00000001092c3736: cmp $0xc350,%ebp
0x00000001092c373c: jge 0x00000001092c376c ;*if_icmpge
; - test.TestClient::loop@7 (line 8)
0x00000001092c373e: xor %ebx,%ebx
0x00000001092c3740: mov %ebx,%r11d
0x00000001092c3743: inc %r11d ;*iload_3
; - test.TestClient::loop@12 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3746: mov %r13,%r8
0x00000001092c3749: add $0x1,%r8 ;*ladd
; - test.TestClient::loop@20 (line 10)
0x00000001092c374d: inc %ebx ;*iinc
; - test.TestClient::loop@22 (line 9)
0x00000001092c374f: cmp %r11d,%ebx
0x00000001092c3752: jge 0x00000001092c3759 ;*if_icmpge
; - test.TestClient::loop@15 (line 9)
0x00000001092c3754: mov %r8,%r13
0x00000001092c3757: jmp 0x00000001092c3746
0x00000001092c3759: cmp $0x5f5e0f2,%ebx
0x00000001092c375f: jl 0x00000001092c3713
0x00000001092c3761: mov %r13,%r10
0x00000001092c3764: mov %r8,%r13
0x00000001092c3767: mov %r10,%r8
0x00000001092c376a: jmp 0x00000001092c3729 ;*if_icmpge
; - test.TestClient::loop@7 (line 8)
0x00000001092c376c: mov $0x24,%esi
0x00000001092c3771: mov %r13,%rbp
0x00000001092c3774: data32 xchg %ax,%ax
0x00000001092c3777: callq 0x0000000109298f20 ; OopMap{off=188}
;*getstatic out
; - test.TestClient::loop@34 (line 13)
; {runtime_call}
0x00000001092c377c: callq 0x0000000108c1c202 ;*getstatic out
; - test.TestClient::loop@34 (line 13)
; {runtime_call}
Also you should have the hotspot.log file with JIT compiler steps. Here is an excerpt:
<phase name='optimizer' nodes='114' live='77' stamp='0.100'>
<phase name='idealLoop' nodes='115' live='67' stamp='0.100'>
<loop idx='119' >
<loop idx='185' main_loop='185' >
<phase_done name='idealLoop' nodes='197' live='111' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase name='idealLoop' nodes='197' live='111' stamp='0.101'>
<loop idx='202' >
<loop idx='159' inner_loop='1' pre_loop='131' >
<loop idx='210' inner_loop='1' main_loop='210' >
<loop idx='138' inner_loop='1' post_loop='131' >
<phase_done name='idealLoop' nodes='221' live='113' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase name='idealLoop' nodes='221' live='113' stamp='0.101'>
<loop idx='202' >
<loop idx='159' inner_loop='1' pre_loop='131' >
<loop idx='210' inner_loop='1' main_loop='210' >
<loop idx='138' inner_loop='1' post_loop='131' >
<phase_done name='idealLoop' nodes='241' live='63' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase name='ccp' nodes='241' live='63' stamp='0.101'>
<phase_done name='ccp' nodes='241' live='63' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase name='idealLoop' nodes='241' live='63' stamp='0.101'>
<loop idx='202' inner_loop='1' >
<phase_done name='idealLoop' nodes='253' live='56' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase name='idealLoop' nodes='253' live='56' stamp='0.101'>
<phase_done name='idealLoop' nodes='253' live='33' stamp='0.101'/>
<phase_done name='optimizer' nodes='253' live='33' stamp='0.101'/>
You can further analyze the hotspot.log file produced by JIT compiler using the JitWatch tool
To disable JIT compiler and run the Java virtual machine in all-interpreted mode you can use the -Djava.compiler=NONE JVM option.
A similar question is in this post Why is my JVM doing some runtime loop optimization and making my code buggy?
. – Underdevelopedjavap -c TestClient
, there is no difference in output of both cases. – Huntingdonshirejavap -v TestClient
for more information. only String append part is different – Stonedeaf