I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 application. I'm using the standard ASP.NET Identity provider for user and role management. It is important that I'm using the IdentityUser from an own repository project, but this seems ok. I can register, login, edit users, and manage their roles.
I add user to Role with these lines:
UserManager.AddToRole(userdetail.Id, r);
db.Entry(userdetail).State = EntityState.Modified;
This seems working in DB level.
But, I can't use Role based authentications, actually the simples
doesn't working too.
doesn't working too.
I can check only with this method, whether user is an administrator:
UserManager.IsInRole(userID, "Administrator").
In every tutorial what I found, everything works fine. The different project repository could be the reason? Or ASP.NET Identity is broken so much?
Please advice,