Well, you can't.
But then again. There is one way of course to prevent user never seeing it using Developer console - never display the INPUT field which has the password.
The alternative would be to emulate the field's behaviour so that it seems to be there, but isn't. I have not found a technically sound solution yet how it could be done, but here is one example how it might be done: (updated) http://jsfiddle.net/858kef4h/
In this example, the idea is to create a DIV based pseudofield which looks like password INPUT and is listening keypresses from the user and saving the value to a JavaScript variable
<div class="pwField">
<div class="pwData"></div>
<div class="cursor"><div class="tfarea"></div></div>
This simple hack just has three state variables for password, focus state and the hidden textarea
var pw = "", bHasFocus = false, tfArea;
The "cursor" class is toggled on / off using JavaScript to emulate real cursor
setInterval( function() {
When the div is clicked it creates a textarea at the place of the cursor and focuses to it.
$(".pwField").on("click", function() {
// enable cursor and create element if needed
if(tfArea) { // if already created, just focus to the field
bHasFocus = true;
tfArea = document.createElement("textarea");
bHasFocus = true;
$(tfArea).on("blur", function() {
// disable cursor and exit
bHasFocus = false;
Then you can listen to keyup/keydown and record the values
$(document).keydown(function( ) {
if(!bHasFocus) return;
pw = tfArea.value;
// print asterisks
$(".pwData").html( asterisks( pw.length ) );
And when you are ready to login, the value is in the "pw" variable.
This dynamically created TEXTAREA may go unnoticed by the automatic password managers, because it is not the kind of INPUT -field the Password Managers are expecting to see.
The user which edits the field can naturally inspect the value of this element using the Chrome Developer tools, but the point here is, if the PW manager does not consider that field as a password -field it is not filling it with the password of the previous user.
I don't recommend using this, this was just made out of curiosity. The idea was to show that even though you can not prevent the user from seeing the elements, you may still be able hide the result from Password Managers. But like the old saying goes, "you can fool some of them some of the time, but not all of them all of the time".
The user experience is not the same as with standard input, but it could be improved. One problem is also that, even though you wanted to prevent the password to be shown, that may be what the users really want. They may want to user the Password Manager. But in this case you are out of luck anyway.
There may also be problems with the click, focus and blur with different browsers, they may not work with mobile devices as you expect. If this kind of hack is ever used, you should carefully tested. It could be used, if you know exactly what kind of browsers the users are using and you know they have JavaScript enabled.
EDIT: I tested the approach with some mobile devices and it seemed to somewhat work, but with iPad, and noticed that placing the hidden textarea will still create a visible cursor and change the zoom, so now the hidden textarea is placed inside the pseudocursor DIV and the zoom should follow it.
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