I am using eclipse Kepler version and trying to install Sonar plugin from Eclipse marketplace. But I am getting below error
Cannot open Eclipse Marketplace Cannot install remote marketplace locations: Cannot resolve host
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry. Unknown Host: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/catalogs/api/p marketplace.eclipse.org Cannot resolve host
This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry. marketplace.eclipse.org
I tried below things as per solution suggested by some people.
- Go to Window-> Preferences -> General -> Network Connection. And change below settings Active Provider-> Manual-> and check---> HTTP, HTTPS and SOCS. After restarting eclipse still the problem persisted.
- I tried connecting to google.com from Eclipse Internet Explorer and able to see google homepage
- Added line in eclipse.ini file -vmargs -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true But still same issue
I am really frustated by this issue and couldn't find any help anywhere. If anyone has faced this issue and has an effective resolution, please assist.