I'm trying to use jqGrid with local data and I'm finding a couple of issues:
I'm initializing the thing like so:
function refreshGrid($grid, results)
data: results,
datatype: "local",
colNames:['#','File', 'Category', 'Line Number', 'Message Text','Detailed'],
{name:'count',index:'count', width:100, resizable: true},
{name:'basename',index:'basename', width:100, resizable: true, classes:['basename']},
{name:'category',index:'category', width:60, resizable: true},
{name:'linenumber',index:'linenumber', width:60, resizable: true},
{name:'text',index:'text',width:400, resizable: true},
{name:'detailed',index:'detailed',width:100,classes:['detailed'], resizable: true }
viewrecords: true,
pager: '#debug_errors_pager',
caption:"JSON Example"
The data I'm passing in, results
is an array of objects.
1) The pager is totally off. It shows the correct count, but it doesn't actually let me page through the data.
2) I can't refresh the data. I'm using my own search function to arrive at my results
. I can't figure out how to update the existing data. The grid initializes the first time. On subsequent attempts, it initializes to an empty table.
3) I've tried things like:
- Doesn't work because the $grid object is decorated by jqgrid. I'm trying to "nuke" the old grid and simply re-render it as a workaround.
`$grid.trigger('reloadGrid') - Doesn't work, don't know why.
Note: this is using jQGrid 3.7.