Vuetify remove pagination on v-data-table
Asked Answered



I want remove pagination on v-data-table, I tried to use hide-default-footer but it doesn't work.

    <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
        <td>{{ props.index }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
        <td>{{ getProject(props.item.project_uuid) }}</td>
        <td>{{ props.item.deadline }}</td>
        <td>{{ getUser(props.item.executor) }}</td>
        <td>{{ getUser(props.item.creator) }}</td>
        <td>{{ props.item.description }}</td>
Vickeyvicki answered 6/8, 2019 at 7:31 Comment(0)

It should be :hide-default-footer="true"

    <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
        <td>{{ props.index }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
        <td>{{ getProject(props.item.project_uuid) }}</td>
        <td>{{ props.item.deadline }}</td>
        <td>{{ getUser(props.item.executor) }}</td>
        <td>{{ getUser(props.item.creator) }}</td>
        <td>{{ props.item.description }}</td>

Demo on codepen

Shipe answered 6/8, 2019 at 7:36 Comment(6)
In case someone finds this later, the slot is "item" not "items" and you have to supply the <tr> tag as well.Whereupon
See idirsun comment, if you only do that you will only see the first 10 elements.Ibbetson
For Vuetify 2.x: This only hides the pagination controls, but the table still paginates. You need to hide the controls as well as disable the actual pagination of the results for the latest versions.Chlo
Very important: set disable-pagination also, otherwise as mentioned above you will only see 10 elements.Hobbyhorse
You can also just use hide-default-footer instead of :hide-default-footer="true"Ninurta
hiding the footer does not disable paging. when there are more than 10 data items/desserts they will not be shown in the table and users can access them (expect you add paging functionality to your custom footer). so you also need to add :disable-pagination="true" to show all data in the table as mentioned by @idirsunEmpathize

adding :hide-default-header="true" :hide-default-footer="true" will only remove the default footer and header, to completely disable pagination you need to add disable-pagination to your <v-data-table>

Midshipman answered 10/12, 2019 at 5:41 Comment(2)
From what i have experienced you need bothAnny
Likewise just disable-pagination is not enough, it will bug out the footer which is still interactible but doesnt do anything. There is also middleground of items-per-page="-1" + footer props to limit it to all. That way most of the footer will be hidden and just item counter remains.Carabiniere

For those arriving here using Vuetify 3, I've found adding an empty footer slot achieves the same:

<template #bottom></template>

To show more than the first 10 items, disable pagination with :items-per-page="0". Full example:

  <template #bottom></template>

Here's further documentation on the footer slot:

Git answered 18/9, 2023 at 0:39 Comment(0)

I just add these two props to v-data-table

<v-data-table hide-default-footer disable-pagination />

No need to assign true to the props .i.e hide-default-footer="true"

That's what I usually do.

Tallboy answered 21/1, 2021 at 9:29 Comment(2)
Do you know if there's any tricky on this when using VueJs 3.2 and Vite 3.2.4? Because I've tried these options but my footer never goes away.Contrition
What version of Vuetify are you using? If you use Vuetify 3, then the above approach is obsolete. It works with Vuetify 2 onlyTallboy

The correct answer for this is adding the attribute disable-pagination as it's stated on Vuetify documentation: Vuetify documentation

This is true for Vuetify 2.x version, if you're using Vuetify 1.5 use the hide-actionsattribute instead.

Berhley answered 26/4, 2020 at 17:3 Comment(1)
This turns off pagination, and the whole item list will display. This does not hide the pagination footer howeverPlath

to disable pagination on v-data-table use disable-pagination propenter image description here

Midshipman answered 27/2, 2020 at 9:57 Comment(3)
In addition to posting a screenshot of the documentation add the relevant link as it is easier to find more information that way.Hamachi
Not sure why but this prop has no effect.Whereupon
It's for vue2, but for vue3 need to use templatesGeodynamics

In Vuetify 3, you can use the #bottom slot to customize the bottom section of the v-data-table, including the pagination controls. Here's how you can hide the pagination controls using the #bottom slot.

For Vuetify 3.5.3 my solution is

<v-data-table :items="item.req_skills" :items-per-page="-1">
  <template #bottom>
    <!-- Leave this slot empty to hide pagination controls -->
Gauguin answered 9/3, 2024 at 13:50 Comment(0)

Below code worked for me, none of the above did. Also dont see the "disable-pagination" prop in the new API

<v-data-table :items="items" :hide-default-footer="true"
Rodd answered 17/7, 2024 at 18:7 Comment(1)
Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Karyosome

The answer from ittus almost works, but the attributes should not be bound (unless you have a data property called "true" that is set to a boolean of true.



should be

Boredom answered 9/9, 2019 at 19:36 Comment(1)
This is in fact wrong. Doing it this way passes the string "true" as a prop, which can cause vue warnings for receiving a data type it does not expect. Instead, simply provide the attribute without a value (eg, just hide-default-footer).Suzysuzzy

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