I recently updated from Ionic 4 to Ionic 5. With Ionic 5 the icons received an update too. Apparently however also the mechanism loading the icons changed.
In Ionic 4 it was possible to add custom icons like this: Ionic 4: Custom Icons Made Simple
Add e.g.
and md-my-custom-icon.svg
in an icon
folder in the assets
. Then it was necessary to reference them in the angular.json
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*.svg",
"input": "src/assets/icon",
"output": "./svg"
and one could finally call them like the other ion-icons in html:
<ion-icon name="my-custom-icon"></ion-icon>
However this does not work in ionic 5 anymore. Does someone know, how we can now implement custom icons in ionic 5?
EDIT: I realised it is still possible to call them through the src attribute like
<ion-icon src="assets/icon/md-my-custom-icon.svg"></ion-icon>
However that is not convenient like using the name attribute. Any chance we have some equivalent to the above?
? – Wertheimer