My main problem is getting the token. I can’t go further than this step.
In the Linkedin API's docs there are two ways described to obtain the token. Witch is the correct one?
1) 2)
I understand that in order to use the new Linkedin API (the partners one) I should use the first one (
Here is my petition:{MYCLIENTID}&client_secret={MYCLIENTSECRET}
The response: Error "access_denied" error_description "This application is not allowed to create application tokens"
And I get stuck here.
With the second one ( I actually get a token:{MYCLIENTID}&redirect_uri={MYURIREDIRECT}&state={STATERETURNED}
This returns the code (and the State) which I use to make the token request:{MYCLIENTID}&client_secret={MYCLIENTSECRET}&redirect_uri={MYURIREDIRECT}&code={CODERETURNED}
And I get the token. But this isn’t the correct way to do it, is it?