I'm trying to setup an environment for Clojurescript. The problem I'm having is not knowing how to set it up so that I can connect to a Clojurescript Browser REPL from emacs, so I can evaluate forms right from the editor and have it show up in the browser.
Things I've tried:
I tried using Cemerick's piggieback and piggybacking on nREPL. I don't really know how to configure it from the documentation. I was able to get it to work after figuring out I had to make an index.html file in the root of the project folder. Except the server doesn't serve my assets.
I tried setting up inferior-lisp with the bash script from the Clojurescript wiki. However, whenever I try to run the inferior-lisp-program I'm getting "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil".
Here's my ideal workflow:
I have a project folder/resources/public folder that has my assets and html files. I can start a web server that serves those files somehow, either by ring or using python's simple http server. I'd be able to connect to a REPL from emacs and evaluate forms into it.