I assume that you are searching for common patterns of consecutive words appearing in the same order (e.g. "top of the world" would not be counted as the same phrase as "top of a world" or "the world of top").
If so then I would recommend the following linear-time approach:
- Split your text into words and remove things you don't consider significant (i.e. remove capitalisation, punctuation, word breaks, etc.)
- Convert your text into an array of integers (one integer per unique word) (e.g. every instance of "cat" becomes 1, every "dog" becomes 2) This can be done in linear time by using a hash-based dictionary to store the conversions from words to numbers. If the word is not in the dictionary then assign a new id.
- Construct a suffix-array for the array of integers (this is a sorted list of all the suffixes of your array and can be constructed by linear time - e.g. using the algorithm and C code here)
- Construct the longest common prefix array for your suffix array. (This can also be done in linear-time, for example using this C code) This LCP array gives the number of common words at the start of each suffix between consecutive pairs in the suffix array.
You are now in a position to collect your common phrases.
It is not quite clear how you wish to determine the end of a phrase. One possibility is to simply collect all sequences of 4 words that repeat.
This can be done in linear time by working through your suffix array looking at places where the longest common prefix array is >= 4. Each run of indices x in the range [start+1...start+len] where the LCP[x] >= 4 (for all except the last value of x) corresponds to a phrase that is repeated len times. The phrase itself is given by the first 4 words of, for example, suffix start+1.
Note that this approach will potentially spot phrases that cross sentence ends. You may prefer to convert some punctuation such as full stops into unique integers to prevent this.