As already asked David in a comment of an answer here, I'm really interested on how this function works, since I can't seem to get the same (correct) values if changing result length from 32 to 16 or 8.
I used function
function IntToBin(Value: LongWord): string;
i: Integer;
SetLength(Result, 32);
for i := 1 to 32 do begin
if ((Value shl (i-1)) shr 31) = 0 then begin
Result[i] := '0'
end else begin
Result[i] := '1';
which somehow works just fine. (1 is returned as 000....001, 2 as 000....010, 3 as 000...011, etc...).
However, since I only needed 8 chars long string result, I changed the numbers in a function to 8 to get this:
function IntToBin(Value: LongWord): string;
i: Integer;
SetLength(Result, 8);
for i := 1 to 8 do begin
if ((Value shl (i-1)) shr 7) = 0 then begin
Result[i] := '0'
end else begin
Result[i] := '1';
but I get results as they follow:
1: 00000001
2: 00000011
3: 00000011
4: 00000111
5: 00000111
6: 00000111
7: 00000111
8: 00001111
9: 00001111
10: 00001111
11: 00001111
12: 00001111
Kinda same for 16 instead of 8.
Tried to change LongWord to Integer and Byte as well, but got the same results.
So... hm... what am I missing here, and don't understand? :/
PS: Asking in learning purposes, solved my case with Copy(Result, 25, 8) at the end of the first function, because needed 8 chars long string passed, but I really want to understand what's going on... :)