How to find if a point exists in which given set of polygons ? I have coordinates like
polygonA = 1(0,0),2(0,5),3(3,4),4(3,5),5( 2,2)
polygonB = 1(10,10),2(10,15),3(13,14),4(13,15),5(12,12)
I have a point as (6,4) now want to search if this point is in any of this polygon or in both or nearest to which polygon.
How to store such data (polygon) ? is there a system / database / algorithm to do this search ?
Update : Thanks all for such fast response...I think i need to be more specific...
How to search = list of algorithms and library for the same.
How to store = based on my research SQL and NoSQL db have their solutions. NoSQL = MongoDb seems closest what i needed. But issue is I can query like "db.places.find({ "loc" : { "$within" : { "$polygon" : polygonB } } })" But cant make query like db.places.find({ "loc" : { "$within" : { } } }) SQL checked postgre and openGIS for some help. But colud not figureout if its possible.
If someone can help me with that...Thanks in advance.