Here's a Clojure example:
Suppose you have a vector of bank accounts (in real life the vector may be somewhat longer....):
(def accounts
[(ref 0)
(ref 10)
(ref 20)
(ref 30)])
(map deref accounts)
=> (0 10 20 30)
And a "transfer" function that safely transfers an amount between two accounts in a single transaction:
(defn transfer [src-account dest-account amount]
(alter dest-account + amount)
(alter src-account - amount)))
Which works as follows:
(transfer (accounts 1) (accounts 0) 5)
(map deref accounts)
=> (5 5 20 30)
You can then easily compose the transfer function to create a higher level transaction, for example transferring from multiple accounts:
(defn transfer-from-all [src-accounts dest-account amount]
(doseq [src src-accounts]
(transfer src dest-account amount))))
[(accounts 0) (accounts 1) (accounts 2)]
(accounts 3)
(map deref accounts)
=> (0 0 15 45)
Note that all of the multiple transfers happened in a single, combined transaction, i.e. it was possible to "compose" the smaller transactions.
To do this with locks would get complicated very quickly: assuming the accounts needed to be individually locked then you'd need to do something like establishing a protocol on lock acquisition order in order to avoid deadlocks. As Jon rightly points out you can do this in some cases by sorting all the locks in the system, but in most complex systems this isn't feasible. It's very easy to make a hard-to-detect mistake. STM saves you from all this pain.