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Why do weak NSString properties not get released in iOS?
I'm a newbie to Objective C and I've got some questions that I cannot answer myself. I have a block of code for testing __weak variable (I'm using ARC, of course):
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"John"];
NSString * __weak weakString = myString;
myString = nil; //<-- release the NSString object
NSLog(@"string: %@", weakString);
The output of the above codes is as expected, since weakString is a weak variable :
2013-01-02 11:42:27.481 ConsoleApp[836:303] string: (null)
But when I modified the code to this:
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"John"];
NSString * __weak weakString = myString;
NSLog(@"Before: %@", weakString); //<--- output to see if the __weak variable really works.
myString = nil;
NSLog(@"After: %@", weakString);
The output is totally not what I expected:
2013-01-02 11:46:03.790 ConsoleApp[863:303] Before: John
2013-01-02 11:46:03.792 ConsoleApp[863:303] After: John
The output of the latter NSLog must have been (nil) instead of "John". I've tried to search in many documents but I haven't found the answer for this case. Can someone give an reasonable explaination? Thanks in advance.
which does not participate in the usual memory management because of performance optimizations. The poster here usesinitWithFormat
to avoid precisely this issue. – Ebonieebonite