I'm currently working on this. It already supports a lot of things: https://github.com/simplic-systems/ironpython-aspnet-mvc
more information on this:
Import the aspnet
import aspnet
You can write your own controller
class HomeController(aspnet.Controller):
def index(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml")
You can automatically register all controller
You can use different http-methods
def postSample(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml")
And there is much more. Here is a very short example
# ------------------------------------------------
# This is the root of any IronPython based
# AspNet MVC application.
# ------------------------------------------------
import aspnet
# Define "root" class of the MVC-System
class App(aspnet.Application):
# Start IronPython asp.net mvc application.
# Routes and other stuff can be registered here
def start(self):
# Register all routes
# Set layout
# Load style bundle
bundle = aspnet.StyleBundle('~/Content/css')
class HomeController(aspnet.Controller):
def index(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml")
def page(self):
# Works also with default paths
return self.view()
def paramSample(self, id, id2 = 'default-value for id2'):
# Works also with default paths
model = SampleModel()
model.id = id
model.id2 = id2
return self.view("~/Views/Home/ParamSample.cshtml", model)
def postSample(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml")
class SampleModel:
id = 0
id2 = ''
class ProductController(aspnet.Controller):
def index(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Product/Index.cshtml")