I tried the below implementation and it works fine for me.
Reference => https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/160665122#comment106
* Applies a shadow to the current box.
* @param color The color of the shadow.
* @param blurRadius The larger this value, the bigger the blur, so the shadow
* becomes bigger and lighter.
* If set to `0`, the shadow's edge is sharp.
* @param spreadRadius Positive values will cause the shadow to expand and grow
* bigger, negative values will cause the shadow to shrink.
* @param offset Offsets the shadow from the box.
* @param shape The shape of the box, which is applied to the shadow as well.
* @param clip Whether to clip the content to [shape].
* @param inset Whether the shadow should be inset to [shape]; otherwise, it is
* a drop shadow.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException Any of the following conditions holds:
* - [color] is [Color.Unspecified],
* - [blurRadius] is [Dp.Unspecified] or negative,
* - [spreadRadius] is [Dp.Unspecified],
* - [offset] is [DpOffset.Unspecified].
fun Modifier.boxShadow(
color: Color,
blurRadius: Dp,
spreadRadius: Dp = 0.dp,
offset: DpOffset = DpOffset.Zero,
shape: Shape = RectangleShape,
clip: Boolean = true,
inset: Boolean = false
): Modifier {
require(color.isSpecified) { "color must be specified." }
require(blurRadius.isSpecified) { "blurRadius must be specified." }
require(spreadRadius.isSpecified) { "spreadRadius must be specified." }
require(blurRadius.value >= 0f) { "blurRadius can't be negative." }
require(offset.isSpecified) { "offset must be specified." }
return drawWithCache {
onDrawWithContent {
if (inset)
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
val colorArgb = color.toArgb()
val hasBlurRadius = blurRadius.value.let { it.isFinite() && it != 0f }
val paint = Paint()
paint.asFrameworkPaint().let { frameworkPaint ->
if (hasBlurRadius) {
frameworkPaint.maskFilter = BlurMaskFilter(
frameworkPaint.color = colorArgb
val spreadRadiusPx = spreadRadius.toPx().let { spreadRadiusPx ->
when {
inset -> -spreadRadiusPx
else -> spreadRadiusPx
val hasSpreadRadius = spreadRadiusPx != 0f
val size = size
val layoutDirection = layoutDirection
val density = Density(
density = density,
fontScale = fontScale
val shadowOutline = shape.createOutline(
size = when {
hasSpreadRadius -> size.let { (width, height) ->
(2 * spreadRadiusPx).let { outset ->
width = width + outset,
height = height + outset
else -> size
layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
density = density
val nativeCanvas = canvas.nativeCanvas
val count = nativeCanvas.save()
if (inset) {
val boxOutline = when {
hasSpreadRadius -> shape.createOutline(
size = size,
layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
density = density
else -> shadowOutline
val bounds = boxOutline.bounds
NativePaint().apply {
colorFilter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(
1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 0f, -1f, 255f * color.alpha
dx = offset.x.toPx() - spreadRadiusPx,
dy = offset.y.toPx() - spreadRadiusPx
outline = shadowOutline,
paint = paint
if (!inset)
}.run {
when {
clip -> clip(shape)
else -> this
fun Canvas.clipToOutline(
outline: Outline,
clipOp: ClipOp = ClipOp.Intersect
) {
when (outline) {
is Outline.Generic ->
clipPath(path = outline.path, clipOp = clipOp)
is Outline.Rectangle ->
clipRect(rect = outline.rect, clipOp = clipOp)
is Outline.Rounded ->
path = Path()
.apply { addRoundRect(outline.roundRect) },
clipOp = clipOp
value to1f
? I spend some time trying to understand why it doesn't work =) – Gaggle