How can I programmatically through java convert an image to "some string" to pass it as a parameter for searching in google image search. Actually I have made some base64 convertion of image but it differs from that that google does in its image search engine. I've made such a convertion(java 7):
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
Path p = Paths.get("my_photo.JPG");
try(InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(p);
PrintWriter write = new PrintWriter("base64.txt");
) {
byte [] bytes = new byte[in.available()];;
String base64 = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes);
} catch(IOException ex) {
the output of this simple program differs from the google's string in url. I talk about that string that goes after tbs=sbi:AMhZZ...