I have an app that been happily shipping for a couple of years. It retrieves RSS Feeds in a UICollectionView. The cellForItemAtIndexPath method sets text and calls a datasource method to load an image from a link specified in the feed. If none exists it loads the web page data and searches for <img>
tags to get an image. Once the image is found/loaded the delegate method is called to add the image to the cell. (below)
When running in iOS 8 and 9 everything is happy, but when running in iOS 10 the visible cells are updated with images when the RSS feed is initially loaded but when scrolling no images are added and I get NULL from cellForItemAtIndexPath.
The image is displayed when I scroll back and the image is displayed if I add a reloadItemsAtIndexPaths to imageWasLoadedForStory but reloadItemsAtIndexPaths destroys performance.
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// ...
if (story.thumbnail) {
[imageView setAlpha: 1.0];
imageView.image = story.thumbnail;
UIActivityIndicatorView *lActivity = (UIActivityIndicatorView *) [collectionView viewWithTag: 900];
[lActivity removeFromSuperview];
[story setDelegate: self];
[story findArticleImageForIndexPath: indexPath];
// ...
//delegate method. Called when image has been loaded for cell at specified indexpath
- (void) imageWasLoadedForStory: (RSSStory *) story forIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath
//get cell
CustomCollectionViewCell *customCell = (id) [self.collectionview cellForItemAtIndexPath: indexPath];
NSLog(@"imageWasLoadedForStory row %i section %i and class %@", (int)indexPath.row, (int)indexPath.section, [customCell class]);
//if cell is visible ie: cell is not nil then update imageview
if (customCell) {
UIImageView *imageView = (UIImageView *) [customCell viewWithTag: 300];
imageView.image = story.thumbnail;
UIActivityIndicatorView *lActivity = (UIActivityIndicatorView *) [customCell viewWithTag: 900];
[lActivity removeFromSuperview];
[customCell setNeedsLayout];
[customCell setNeedsDisplay];
//[self.collectionview reloadItemsAtIndexPaths: [NSArray arrayWithObject: indexPath]];
- (void) findArticleImageForIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath
//kick off image search
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
self.thumbnail = [self findArticleForStoryForIndexPath:indexPath];
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//image set - return
[self.delegate imageWasLoadedForStory: self forIndexPath: indexPath];