Or does the attribute have to be defined outside of any class methods?
So my descriptor object is this. The IDN object already has some information about the UserNameField, so I want to use it.
class UserNameElement(basePageElement):
_testMethodName="UserNameElement Test method"
def __init__(self, IDN, PTF):
print "creating UserNameElement"
self.locator = IDN.UserNameField()
And here is my calling class. Where I want to instantiate the UserNameElement object
class LoginPageObject(basePageObject):
_testMethodName="LoginPageObject Test method"
print "creating LoginPageObject"
def __init__(self, BaseURL):
super(LoginPageObject, self).__init__()
self.username=UserNameElement(IDN=self.IDN, PTF=self.PTF)
It seems that the standard process would put the username= in in the general class definition, like this:
class LoginPageObject(basePageObject):
_testMethodName="LoginPageObject Test method"
print "creating LoginPageObject"
def __init__(self, BaseURL):
super(LoginPageObject, self).__init__()
But then I don't have the PTF and IDN that I define in the basePageObject class.
What can I do to make those available when the username attribute is created?