I was trying to decompress a 7z file using python, but I can't seem to figure it out. I figured I could use the lzma module in python 3, but I can't seem to figure it out:
I thought it would work like the zipfile package:
import lzma
with lzma.open('data.7z') as f:
f.extractall(r"<output path>")
but after reading the documents, it doesn't seems to. So here is my question: How can you extract a 7z file using the standard package? I don't want to call subprocess to extract the files using 7-zip because I can't guarantee that users have this software installed.
I've searched the internets and stack oerflow and noticed all the answers almost go back to using subprocessing which I would like to avoid like the plague.
Though there are similar questions on stackoverflow, the answers all still depend on 7-zip or the 7zip SDK. I do not want to use the 7-zip sdk/exe for extraction because that assumes the users have the software installed.
Here is the properties from the 7z file: