@PressRay, I have been toying around with things and have some suggestions. I have moved this to an answer, because they would have put us in chat if we kept going. But hopefully this will do it. First off, I think you should make your tab bar from interface builder, perhaps you have input some code incorrectly. You can either start one from the first screen of create a new project, or you can drag one in from the library. But it is a Tab Bar controller. Then for each of your five views, you can place a view controller on the screen for it. Then you can drag from your tab bar controller to each of the five new view controllers and select relationship tab bar controller. This will set up each vc for you.
Next I would suggest you turn off auto layout to get a feel for story boards first before you jump into auto layout and constraints. That is why I think your png's are not showing up. The two lines look like they are too close together because of some contraint moving them. To do this select the view controller, make sure it is just the view controller and then in the right hand view, go to the file inspector, it looks like a page icon. Under Interface Builder Document should be a check box for Use Autolayout. Click this so there is no check mark. Now you will be using struts and spring on each vc that you turn this off. So go ahead and turn it off on all of them.
Next you have some png files to put in. Drag your image views to wherever you want them in any of your vc's. Then hook up the png files by selecting the image view and then once again on the right hand view select the attributes inspector and under the drop down menu of Image find the png that you want. Then you can move the image views anywhere in the vc that you want. I think this will solve your problem. Let me know what happens or if you have any questions.