I am chipping away at building a client for a Java B2B web-service at the moment and I think I have identified the cause of a problem we have been having for quite some time. Unfortunately I'm unable to post the WSDL.
Apparently my auto-generated proxy code (via wsdl.exe: have to use WSE 3.0 due to WCF not supporting password digest) is not able to handle the web-service's WSDL having multiple web-methods with the same complex return type.
Take for example - a web-service that defines the following methods:
Public ComplexTypeX Blah();
Public ComplexTypeX Blue();
Public ComplexTypeX Foo();
Public ComplexTypeY Bar();
In my Reference.cs file, if I comment out all code that calls any two of Blah(), Blue() or Foo(), then the remaining uncommented method can be called no problem. However, if I have more than one of these three methods not commented out (say, Blah() and Foo()), then I get the following error message upon instantiation of the web-service client code:
"Method Blah can not be reflected." "The XML element 'ComplexTypeX' from namespace 'http://some.url' references a method and a type. Change the method's message name using WebMethodAttribute or change the type's root element using the XmlRootAttribute."
Now, there is definitely no ComplexTypeX
method defined as part of the web-service, so I can only assume that .NET (or at least wsdl.exe) does not allow you to use a web-service that returns complex (user-defined) types of the same type across multiple methods ... right?