Late reply, but extremely useful to anyone willing to decrypt and encrypt FormsAuthentication ticket tokens in core. There is a library that does just that here:
Copy your validation key and decrypt key and pass it as parameters to the decrypt or encrypt functions of the library.
Note that, if the decryption or encryption doesn't work right away, play with the encryption algo and the compatibility flags to match your purpose. For example:
var encryptor = new LegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketEncryptor(SHA512DecryptionKey, SHA512ValidationKey, ShaVersion.Sha256, CompatibilityMode.Framework20SP2);
OR change the flags and compatibility to:
var encryptor = new LegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketEncryptor(SHA512DecryptionKey, SHA512ValidationKey, ShaVersion.Sha512, CompatibilityMode.Framework45);
Then, decrypt the token as shown below:
FormsAuthenticationTicket result = encryptor.DecryptCookie(encryptedText);