I am using the host file as below,
[qa-workstations] ansible_user=test ansible_ssh_pass=test
I am using below command to execute "whoami" command in host
root@Svr:~/ansible# ansible all -a "whoami" -i /etc/ansible/host | success | rc=0 >>
ansible by default trying to use user name in which I have logged in, i.e root instead of test user which I have specified in host file
It works fine when I try to pass the username in ansible cli command
root@Svr:~/ansible# ansible all -a "whoami" -i /etc/ansible/host -u test | success | rc=0 >>
But its not possible for me to pass username every time in CLI as different host uses different username. Also I don't have a key pair generated for each host, because host machine keeps changing often
version used:
ansible 1.5.4
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS