I have an unsigned char*
buffer containing data of a jpeg image. I would like to display that image using c++ and opencv. If i do:
Mat img(Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3, data);
namedWindow("image", 1);
imShow("image", img);
I get a noisy mess of pixels.
I suppose it's because the data is jpeg (with a header). Because this works:
Mat imgbuf(Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3, data);
Mat img = imdecode(imgbuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
BUT I cannot use the imdecode function as it is from highgui.h which is based upon GTK 2, and in my project I use GTK 3.
So, how can I display the buffer data? Is there a way to decode the jpeg image other than imdecode in opencv, if that's the problem. I don't really want to have to rebuild opencv with Qt...
Any other suggestions?
(Using Linux)
for decoding and be done with it ? What is the problem with that ? – Gonzalogoolibjpeg
, so there is no other library being included. – GonzalogooMat imgbuf(...)
line you read in data in 640x480x3 fields. Since jpegs are compressed, the jpeg will indeed fit in there with ease. So the rest of the spots are then filled in with random data from memory, that's very, very bad. After that you load in the Mat, that includes the JPEG and a bunch of random memory data, and decode it. Instead, first put your unsigned char buffer in a vector or mat exactly the size of your buffer and THEN feed it in imdecode. – Jokjakartacv::Mat data(1, (int)str.size(), CV_8UC1, (void*)str.c_str());
followed bycv::imdecode(data, 0);
– Medrek