Desc: compareChar returns true or false. if true it sets the value of button, if false do nothing.
I am trying to use:
if compareChar(curChar, toChar("0")) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§");
netbeans is saying:
')' excepted
':' excepted
I tried these combinations:
if compareChar(curChar, toChar("0")) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§");
if compareChar(curChar, toChar("0")) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§") : ;
if compareChar(curChar, toChar("0")) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§") :
if (compareChar(curChar, toChar("0"))) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§");
if (compareChar(curChar, toChar("0"))) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§") : ;
if (compareChar(curChar, toChar("0"))) ? getButtons().get(i).setText("§") :