Anyone know how to get x-axis labels to be vertical with Google Charts API?
I need to fit a lot of labels in a small chart.
Anyone know how to get x-axis labels to be vertical with Google Charts API?
I need to fit a lot of labels in a small chart.
The API does not provide anyway to get verticle x-axis labels (unless i missed it cause i need it too) what we did was a combination of datapoint point labels and regular x-axis labels - not perfect but works
Might try something like Dundas charts if you need more control
Add parameter options with slantedtextangle:90 degree to show label vertically
var options ={ hAxis: {title: "Years" , direction:-1, slantedText:true, slantedTextAngle:90 }}
this is a bit of an old thread. but i was searching for this myself and came across this...
Look for: hAxis.slantedTextAngle and hAxis.slantedText. Set your angle to 90 for vertical display (or anything in between for a slant).
Diagonal Text here. This is my way of doing it, I hope it will help them.
The code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="chart_div"></div>
google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']});
function drawStacked() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Departamentos');
data.addColumn('number', 'Entregados');
data.addColumn('number', 'En Stock');
['abdasdasa', 925, 786],
['bbdasdas', 652, 156],
['cbdasdas', 300, 200],
['ddasdasb', 925, 786],
['edasdb', 652, 156],
['fasdasb', 300, 200],
['gdasdasdb', 925, 786],
['abdasdasa', 925, 786],
['bbdasdas', 652, 156],
['cbdasdas', 300, 200],
['ddasdasb', 925, 786],
['edasdb', 652, 156],
['fasdasb', 300, 200],
['gdasdasdb', 925, 786]
var options = {
title: 'Motivation and Energy Level Throughout the Day',
isStacked: true,
chartArea: {
hAxis: {
title: 'Departamentos',
titleTextStyle: {
color: '#FF0000',
vAxis: {
title: 'Kits'
var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);
It is possible now
var options = {
title: "Test",
hAxis: {
slantedTextAngle:90 // here you can even use 180
Another possible way you can "work around" this issue is to add an x axis:
could change to:
(Make sure anything you did to your original x axis has the same applied) then set your labels every other in one axis and every other offset by one in the other x axis (or every third depending on how long your labels are).
Note the two || for an empty label between. That way on your graph the labels switch off axises and you have a little more space:
Alpha Gamma Epsilon Eta
Beta Delta Zeta
I've not find a way to rotate the axis, however, what I've done is shorten the labels and then create a legend to explain what the labels actually represent.
Click here for a sample Google chart.
Set hAxis.slantedText to true and then set hAxis.slantedTextAngle=90. Like so...
var ac = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('visualization'));
ac.draw(data, {
title : 'Equipment Performance Chart',
vAxis: {
viewWindowMode: 'explicit',
viewWindow: {
max: 100
title: "Percentage"
hAxis: {
title: "Area",
seriesType: "bars",
The trick is in the chartArea.height = 300 and = 100, height:600
var options = {
title: 'Motivation and Energy Level Throughout the Day',
isStacked: true,
chartArea: {
hAxis: {
title: 'Departamentos',
titleTextStyle: {
color: '#FF0000',
vAxis: {
title: 'Kits'
The API does not provide anyway to get verticle x-axis labels (unless i missed it cause i need it too) what we did was a combination of datapoint point labels and regular x-axis labels - not perfect but works
Might try something like Dundas charts if you need more control
Use orientation: "horizontal" as an option.
const options = {
...... other options
orientation: "horizontal"
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