Most memory-efficient way to compute abs()**2 of complex numpy ndarray
Asked Answered



I'm looking for the most memory-efficient way to compute the absolute squared value of a complex numpy ndarray

arr = np.empty((250000, 150), dtype='complex128')  # common size

I haven't found a ufunc that would do exactly np.abs()**2.

As an array of that size and type takes up around half a GB, I'm looking for a primarily memory-efficient way.

I would also like it to be portable, so ideally some combination of ufuncs.

So far my understanding is that this should be about the best

result = np.abs(arr)
result **= 2

It will needlessly compute (**0.5)**2, but should compute **2 in-place. Altogether the peak memory requirement is only the original array size + result array size, which should be 1.5 * original array size as the result is real.

If I wanted to get rid of the useless **2 call I'd have to do something like this

result = arr.real**2
result += arr.imag**2

but if I'm not mistaken, this means I'll have to allocate memory for both the real and imaginary part calculation, so the peak memory usage would be 2.0 * original array size. The arr.real properties also return a non-contiguous array (but that is of lesser concern).

Is there anything I'm missing? Are there any better ways to do this?

EDIT 1: I'm sorry for not making it clear, I don't want to overwrite arr, so I can't use it as out.

Mouthy answered 25/5, 2015 at 12:3 Comment(0)

Thanks to numba.vectorize in recent versions of numba, creating a numpy universal function for the task is very easy:

def abs2(x):
    return x.real**2 + x.imag**2

On my machine, I find a threefold speedup compared to a pure-numpy version that creates intermediate arrays:

>>> x = np.random.randn(10000).view('c16')
>>> y = abs2(x)
>>> np.all(y == x.real**2 + x.imag**2)   # exactly equal, being the same operation
>>> %timeit np.abs(x)**2
10000 loops, best of 3: 81.4 µs per loop
>>> %timeit x.real**2 + x.imag**2
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.7 µs per loop
>>> %timeit abs2(x)
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.6 µs per loop
Cheryl answered 15/6, 2016 at 22:1 Comment(2)
I'd like to accept this as an answer, but I'm not sure how portable it is. Numba is pretty easy to install these days with Anaconda on most machines, but I'm not sure how portable across architectures the actual LLVM bindings are. Perhaps you could add some info about the portability of this answer.Tobitobiah
Well, I'm LLVM expert, but the documentation of the current version (0.31.0) says: Supported are Linux, Windows 7 and OS X 10.9 and later.Cheryl

EDIT: this solution has twice the minimum memory requirement, and is just marginally faster. The discussion in the comments is good for reference however.

Here's a faster solution, with the result stored in res:

import numpy as np
res = arr.conjugate()

where we exploited the property of the abs of a complex number, i.e. abs(z) = sqrt(z*z.conjugate), so that abs(z)**2 = z*z.conjugate

Bestead answered 25/5, 2015 at 13:32 Comment(6)
I was also thinking about this, but this has the problem that the result is still complex. Additionally, the peak memory consumption is 2.0 * original array size. I could simply take the real part (as the imag part should be very close to 0) , but that would either further increase the peak memory consumption or give me a non-contiguous array. Also, the multiplication of complex numbers will perform many unnecessary multiplications and additions that we already know have no use (as they cancel out to 0).Tobitobiah
1) the result is real-valued, with a complex dtype, which is different; 2) the memory consumption is not twice, we only allocate once, for res, which is unavoidable, and then use out for multiply(); 3) notice that all(res.imag==0)->True, so that there is NO imaginary part at all; 4) you cannot think of complex to complex multiplication as 4 real-real multiplications and conclude there are time-consuming calculations. The code is faster then using abs() and this is what is asked. If you wonder why is that, this likely boils down to how CPUs implement complex numbers multiplicationBestead
Even though it is real-valued (in theory), it still takes up memory for all the zero imaginary parts. I was talking about how much memory I need to get the final (real) result, assuming I don'| want to overwrite arr. The minimum is 1.5 * arr size. Your suggestion is 2.0, because it takes up memory for the zero imaginary parts too. Relying on CPU optimizations is not very portable (although it would be hard to find a PC that would not have theme these days).Tobitobiah
About the CPU 'optimizations', this is more about relying on numpy to have a decent performance over most platforms, and up to you to choose a platform with a reasonable floating point support. Anyway I see the point about the 2x memory requirement.Bestead
In my time tests the conjugate method is half the speed of arr.real**2+arr.imag**2. It's doing 2x the number of multiplications, since the multiply does not short-circuit the terms that produce an imaginary value. And abs**2 is about the same time as the conjugate multiply.Opprobrious
@Opprobrious then I was wrong and the extra 2 unnecessary multiplications are time-consuming. On my machine this conjugate method is faster than abs()**2 on all runs, but the gap is small (~5%). I'll however keep the answer and clarify, also because of these not trivial comments.Bestead

If your primary goal is to conserve memory, NumPy's ufuncs take an optional out parameter that lets you direct the output to an array of your choosing. It can be useful when you want to perform operations in place.

If you make this minor modification to your first method, then you can perform the operation on arr completely in place:

np.abs(arr, out=arr)
arr **= 2

One convoluted way that only uses a little extra memory could be to modify arr in place, compute the new array of real values and then restore arr.

This means storing information about the signs (unless you know that your complex numbers all have positive real and imaginary parts). Only a single bit is needed for the sign of each real or imaginary value, so this uses 1/16 + 1/16 == 1/8 the memory of arr (in addition to the new array of floats you create).

>>> signs_real = np.signbit(arr.real) # store information about the signs
>>> signs_imag = np.signbit(arr.imag)
>>> arr.real **= 2 # square the real and imaginary values
>>> arr.imag **= 2
>>> result = arr.real + arr.imag
>>> arr.real **= 0.5 # positive square roots of real and imaginary values
>>> arr.imag **= 0.5
>>> arr.real[signs_real] *= -1 # restore the signs of the real and imagary values
>>> arr.imag[signs_imag] *= -1

At the expense of storing signbits, arr is unchanged and result holds the values we want.

Dasi answered 25/5, 2015 at 12:36 Comment(3)
thank you, however, I don't want overwrite arr, sorry for not making that clear.Tobitobiah
I see... I can't think of any way to do exactly what you want that (a) preserves arr, and (b) allocates only one new array of float values (of the same shape as arr). A custom ufunc might be needed (but this might affect portability).Dasi
Thank you for your convoluted example. I might have to end up using numexpr.Tobitobiah

arr.real and arr.imag are only views into the complex array. So no additional memory is allocated.

Ruskin answered 25/5, 2015 at 12:15 Comment(1)
but it is allocated when I compute arr.real**2.Tobitobiah

If you don't want sqrt (what should be much heavier than multiply), then no abs.

If you don't want double memory, then no real**2 + imag**2

Then you might try this (use indexing trick)

N0 = 23
np0 = (np.random.randn(N0) + 1j*np.random.randn(N0)).astype(np.complex128)
ret_ = np.abs(np0)**2
tmp0 = np0.view(np.float64)
ret0 = np.matmul(tmp0.reshape(N0,1,2), tmp0.reshape(N0,2,1)).reshape(N0)
assert np.abs(ret_-ret0).max()<1e-7

Anyway, I prefer the numba solution

Spoil answered 8/12, 2021 at 14:20 Comment(0)

If you want to compute the squared magnitude of a complex numpy array (i.e., abs()**2), you can use the numpy.abs() function to compute the absolute values and then use the numpy.square() function to calculate the squared values. Here's an example:

import numpy as np

# Create a complex numpy array
complex_array = np.array([1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 6j])

# Compute abs()**2
squared_magnitude = np.square(np.abs(complex_array))


This example demonstrates how to efficiently compute the squared magnitude of a complex numpy array. The np.abs() function is applied element-wise to compute the absolute values, and then np.square() is used to calculate the squared values. This approach is both concise and memory-efficient.

Keep in mind that the np.abs() function returns a real-valued array, so the subsequent np.square() operation doesn't involve complex numbers. If you want to keep the result as a complex array, you can use np.square(complex_array) directly, as squaring a complex number preserves its complex nature.strong text

Followthrough answered 28/12, 2023 at 21:18 Comment(0)

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